

  • Stock Trader Shun screens

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    DS fans have been following Capcom's Stock Trader Shun with interest, and let's be honest, it's not because we're all crazy about the stock market. Our interest in Stock Trader Shun stems entirely from the fact that it kinda sorta looks like a financial version of Phoenix Wright.We aren't sure that the game is going to appeal to the Phoenix Wright audience (i.e. us) because, while Phoenix Wright's lawyering relied on traditional adventure game skills like conversation trees and item collecting, Stock Trader Shun's main gameplay is closer to a simulation of stock trading than an adventure game model with a stock-trading veneer. When out of the courtroom in Phoenix Wright, you're still talking to people and presenting items; but the non-trading portions of Shun seem fundamentally different from the number-crunching.But just because it's not exactly Phoenix Wright doesn't mean this game can't be enjoyable. We'll find out sometime after the June 7th release date when importers' impressions start coming in.

  • Capcom hopes to repeat Phoenix Wright success with stock trading game

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Capcom revealed they are working on a new adventure series in Kabu Trader Shun, which translates into Stock Trader Shun in English. This new series, which aims to repeat the success of Capcom's other adventure series in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. The game will focus on a young up-and-coming trader named Shun.With his father being a prosperous trader who earned his riches in the market, Shun is plagued by memories of the sudden bankruptcy and disappearance of his father five years ago. Entering the market, he is helped by veteran trader Tooru and one Hanako, who has a family-owned trading company.Currently, there are no plans to bring this game to the US, however we hope that changes once Justice For All releases.