

  • PSA: Street Fighter IV launch party open to the public

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We hope you've all been tightening up your Hadoukens and hitting the ceiling with your Flash Kicks, because when Street Fighter IV releases in the U.S. on February 17, you're going to need to bring your best moves. Capcom has dropped word that the fun begins before the game even releases, as the Street Fighter IV launch party is open to the public. At this launch party, producer Yoshinori Ono will be available for autographs, and Capcom has even enlisted the aid of performers DJ QBert, Supreme Soul, and The Knux, if live music is your kind of thing. There will even be customized sketching by Udon artists, and, of course, a chance of winning copies of Street Fighter IV.If you live near the Los Angeles area, then head past the break for full details on the event.