

  • Castle of Illusion ratings suggest re-release of Mickey's Genesis classic

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    Multiple ratings for Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse indicate the classic Sega-developed Genesis platformer is getting a digital re-release. An Australian Classification Board rating for a PS3 game by the same name popped up this week, while Pockett.net spotted Brazilian classification ratings from last month for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U, and Vita.A couple of other Sega retro games turned up with ratings recently; we saw multiplatform ratings for Game Gear platformer-puzzler Tails Adventure earlier this week, which was soon followed by an ACB rating for fellow Game Gear entry Crystal Warriors - that came to Japan's 3DS eShop last month.It seems likely Tails Adventure and Crystal Warriors are headed for the 3DS Virtual Console in the west. However, bearing in mind Sega's penchant for bundling retro re-releases, does Castle of Illusion point towards an 'Illusion' collection, with Land of Illusion and World of Illusion also on the way? Let's hope so, if only for all the Arrested Development clips we could link to.

  • Tails Adventure rated, points towards Game Gear re-release

    Sinan Kubba
    Sinan Kubba

    The Australian Classification Board rated Tails Adventure yesterday, suggesting an upcoming digital re-release of the 1995 Game Gear platform adventure. The rating is for a multiplatform game, with the author denoted as Sega Japan and publisher as Sega Europe.One of the few games to star the twin-tailed fox as the solo hero, Tails Adventure looked a lot like the more mainstream 2D Sonic games releasing around the time, but barely played anything like them. As this video shows, it was a lot slower-paced with a Metroidvania-like emphasis on backtracking. It's also noteworthy because the Japanese and western versions had completely different background stories in their manuals - ah, those were the days.[Thanks, Foetoid]