

  • The 7 best trinkets in the World of Warcraft

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    You know, if there's one thing I have noticed digging through my bags, it's that I have a whole mess of trinkets. Of all the gear slots, it seems like trinkets are some of the most versatile and swappable. Depending on whether you need a bit more hit rating, a bit more critical strike rating, a bit more mana regeneration, a bit more health, a bit more armor, or you plan to go PvPing for a bit, you can fill up bags upon bags alone with a whole bunch of trinkets, waiting for the right moment to spring them. Then there's the really bad ass trinkets. I'm not talking trinkets that are traditionally defined as "useful," I'm talking about the trinkets that make you into the life of the party. The ones that make other people notice you, make them stand up and say, "Woah, that guy is using some CRAZY trinkets." You know what I mean. Stop trying to get yourself that Ashtongue Talisman, these are the REAL deal.

  • FFIV DS to remove spoony bard?! [update 1]

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    [Update 1: Our bad. It appears that, in fact, three-fourths of the original game script was actually left out of the SNES title, and much of it will be added in for the new DS re-release. Still, the probability of a script rewrite is extremely high, so our terrifying supposition remains.]Unacceptable, we decry! News from yon Square Enix headquarters, which is releasing approximately a dozen Final Fantasy-branded games in the next twelve months, reports that over three-fourths of Final Fantasy IV's script will be completely redone for the upcoming DS re-release. This is generally good news, as Square Enix's early efforts hardly utilized the kind of localization teams they employ today, but this particular instance is blasphemy.The term "spoony bard" has become a cultural mainstay for today's youth. Why, when's the last time you could even leave the house without hearing it spoken thrice in direct succession? The removal of this phrase, we feel, would be extremely detrimental to the development of future generations. Square Enix, we implore thee, leave this paragon of digital literature be.[Thanks, zshadow!]