

  • BioShock fan film tells the tale of The Brothers Rapture

    Danny Cowan
    Danny Cowan

    Following up on an intriguing teaser released last week, director Shaun Rykiss and a team of Vancouver film students have produced The Brothers Rapture, a BioShock fan film about a pair of siblings and their experiments with genetics-altering Plasmids in the underwater city of Rapture. If you've played the BioShock games, you might imagine that things don't turn out well for these guys, but the film provides an interesting look at what life may have been like for Rapture's citizens in the years before its fall. The lighting and Plasmid effects are quite nice, too. Director Rykiss has published a commentary track here.

  • Student film 'Brothers Rapture' revisits BioShock's underwater city

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The Brothers Rapture is an upcoming short film put together by a group of Vancouver film students with a bit of Indiegogo funding, and this teaser should give you an idea of what it has in store. Plasmids, audio diaries, and the philosophical battle between art and commerce, oh my!