

  • 8th annual LGBT Proudmoore Pride celebration to be held this weekend

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    Here in the United States, the month of June is traditionally known as a month of celebration of pride by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. Around the country, major cities are erupting in parades, dance parties, and excellent interior design. But it's not just the real world that celebrates -- June is a time for celebration in Azeroth, too. Sponsored by The Stonewall Family (Alliance) and Taint (Horde) guilds, the eighth annual Proudmoore Pride celebration will be held this Saturday, June 16 on the Proudmoore (US) server. Lineup for the Proudmoore Pride parade begins at 11:00 a.m. server (2 p.m. Eastern/11 a.m. Pacific). Horde characters will line up at the Mor'Shan Ramparts in Northern Barrens; Alliance will meet at Honor's Stand in Southern Barrens. The parade begins at 11:45, with both factions scheduled to meet up in Booty Bay at 12:30 p.m. for a massive Disco Dance Party. There will be a special Pride edition of the WoW Factor transmog contest at 2:30 p.m. at the Stormwind Cathedral. All Alliance characters are encouraged to attend to show off their fiercest fashion and try to win a share of the 100,000 gold prize pool. If you haven't been to a Proudmoore Pride celebration before, I would recommend it -- it's quite the spectacle. Full details about Proudmoore Pride can be had at the official website,

  • The Classifieds: 7th Annual Proudmoore Pride Parade

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    The Classifieds brings you weekly news from around the WoW community, including our famous Random Acts of Uberness shout-outs to players who make your WoW sessions memorable. June is typically designated Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Pride Month, and for the seventh consecutive year, the celebration is spilling over into Azeroth on the Proudmoore server. World of Warcraft's two largest GLBT-friendly guilds The Spreading Taint (Proudmoore [US-H]) and The Stonewall Family (Proudmoore [US-A]) are co-sponsoring the Seventh Annual Proudmoore Pride Parade. Festivities start Saturday, June 25th at noon server (PDT). Horde players will meet at Mor'shan Rampart in the Northern Barrens to begin the parade; Alliance players will stage at Astranaar in Ashenvale. Both factions will then meet up at the gates of The Barrens and march together to Ratchet to board ships for the Booty Bay "after party." Players from all realms are encouraged to roll an alt on Proudmoore to participate -- both Taint and Stonewall will be creating visitors' guilds interconnected with each host guild's chat. Full details will be posted on the official website,

  • The Classifieds: Coming out of the closet edition

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    The Classifieds is a weekly roundup of news from around the WoW community. Your host for this week is the ever-so-shadowy Fox Van Allen, filling in for a vacationing Lisa Poisso in exchange for an undisclosed sum of pirate treasure. As always, if you have guild news or a Random Act of Uberness to share, send it in to If there are 50 ways to leave your lover, then there must be at least 100 different ways to leave a guild. There's the middle-of-an-argument /gquit, the log-on-in-the-middle-of-the-night-so-no-one-sees-you /gquit, the passive-aggressive /gquit, and of course, the I-illegally-sold-my-WoW-account-on-Craigslist-to-buy-a-ten-year-old-dirtbike /gquit. I think I have a new favorite, though: The tauren-trapped-in-a-night-elf's-body /gquit. Milkmenot (Boulderfist [US-H]), formerly Slimbones (Uldaman [US-A]), wrote one of the most creative goodbye notes to his guild that I've seen in a long time: I have a confession I need to make, it's something that has been bothering me for quite some time and I need to get it out there. I've been having these feelings. It started out just around town in Dalaran when I would see this Tauren going by. Our eyes would meet, just briefly, and all these feelings would well up inside. I'd try to follow her, intrigued by her curves and horns, but then she always goes into that Horde-only area and I would get booted out. So I'd hang around the entrance there just hoping to sneak a peek. The rest of the goodbye note -- and so much more -- is available just after the break.

  • The Stonewall Family is October's Guild of the Month

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Our November Guild of the Month contest is still ongoing, but today is the day we unveil October's winner. But before I do that, I want to tell all of the entrants that you shouldn't get discouraged. We get a lot of great entries every month, and if you didn't win in October, enter for November! If you don't win in November, stay vigilant and enter in December. This contest isn't going away. October's winner, The Stonewall Family, is walking away with a $100 gift certificate from Swagdog, where you can pick up all sorts of custom guild apparel. Rather than trying to tell you about them myself, I'll leave it up to the guild to do it. Who knows them better?