

  • The woes of technology on display in 3D Mailbox

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    For those who thought the world of Second Life was too exciting comes 3D Mailbox: the virtual world for your email. A client that has been called "a waste of valuable processing power," 3D Mailbox takes everything you love about your boring 2D email and brings them to life in the form of shirtless, obese men.We've thought about it and after lots of chair throwing and Pokemon duels (Ludwig is a legendary jerk), we've decided not to convert our tips box to 3D Mailbox. Sure, the thought of seeing Kyle Orland swimming around as a virtual shark, hunting for the latest gaming news sounded good in theory, but we thought it'd be best to leave the cruel mistress of science out of our practice.

  • The Guessing Game: Sony's E3 showing

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    When coupled in the same sentence, the words "Sony" and "E3" will forever resonate memories of their legendary 2006 press conference. A year has passed and while Sony has managed to shake off the giant enemy crabs, their PlayStation 3 is being trampled by larger entities: the competition. With a management shake-up and a few promising titles, it's time for Sony to come out swinging.Last time on the guessing game, we said that Nintendo could have the most to lose coming out of E3 and you asked, "Well, who has the most to gain?" The answer is Sony, because, let's face it, the only way from here is up. Phil Harrison's GDC presentation ushered forth a feeling that change was in the air and that it was still, obviously, too early to count Sony out in the new arms race.What's in store for Sony's presentation this year? Mum is the word but that hasn't stopped any and everyone from taking a few, well educated stabs in the dark. Will Metal Gear Solid 4 remain an exclusive? Will Sony open their conference with "Momma Said Knock You Out?" Saddle up, dear readers. It's time to venture forth towards rumorville.

  • The Guessing Game: Nintendo's E3 Showing

    Jared Rea
    Jared Rea

    In the second of our three part guessing game series, we take the current darling of the retail space, Nintendo, to the rumor mill and see what the buzz is regarding their E3 presentation. The Internet is spinning with everything from the probable to the wet dreams of fanboys, but like Microsoft, the crystal ball has never been fuzzier. And while Nintendo has seen nothing but gains in these past few months, they could very well be walking into E3 with the most to lose. With publishers still wary of the hype train and a delicate bubble surrounding the success of the Wii, it's becoming more and more vital for Nintendo to prove they're more than just a fad. At the very least, Nintendo should be laying out their holiday season -- one that currently has more question marks than Matthew Lesko's closet.We've changed up the format this time around in order to bring the focus more on existing rumors than the hopes and dreams of our circle, but it's the same, great tasting hype you've come to love from pre-E3 shenanigans. Dig in after the cut.