

  • As you wish, Princess Bride game in development

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    One of our favorite films is getting the video game treatment ... just 20 short years after its initial release. The Hollywood Reporter is, well, reporting that Worldwide Biggies (we haven't heard of them either) has entered into an exclusive deal to produce a game based on Rob Reiner's The Princess Bride.Now, before you start imagining stabbing the Six-Fingered Man with your Wiimote, you should know this sounds like a distinctly casual product. A sample will be included with a 20th anniversary DVD of the film this year, followed up by the release of True Love and High Adventure -- The Official Princess Bride Game in the spring. If this tells you anything, the game is currently not planned as a retail release, but rather as a downloadable title. Inconceivable!