they might be giants


  • Daily iPhone App: They Might Be Giants gives away some songs for free

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    I'm a big fan of the band They Might Be Giants -- for years and years now, they've been putting out slickly crafted folk pop songs, complete with a good sense of fun and absurdity. The band has hosted a "Dial-a-Song" service for years, in order to let you hear their music over the phone, and now there's even an app for that. The official They Might Be Giants app is now available and it's a free download from the App Store right now. It's not filled with features (in fact, the app isn't even formatted for the iPhone 5 yet, unfortunately), but it does do one thing well: It will play one different They Might Be Giants song every single day. There are five songs at a time available for listening, and every 24 hours, you can log in and get a new song to hear. If you like the songs you hear, you can click through to iTunes to buy them, or follow other links in the app to the band's website or to buy tickets or learn more. That's about it -- it's just a really cute yarn-and-cloth themed music player that plays only a few TMBG songs. But if you're as big a TMBG fan as I am, that's really all you need! The app is completely free -- definitely give it a download and a listen.

  • Play the latest Humble Bundle with headphones

    Mike Suszek
    Mike Suszek

    The latest Humble Bundle, available through August 9, is composed of six musical albums and zero video games. Think of this bundle as a break from all the games you've been buying thanks to a certain recent sale, while still perfectly aligned with your latest paycheck.This bundle includes music from the Valkyria Chronicles series and Jonathan Coulton's Greatest Hit (Plus 13 Other Songs), which includes a live version of the iconic song "Still Alive" from Portal. Albums by Christopher Tin, They Might Be Giants, and MC Frontalot are also featured in the music package. The sixth album, OK Go's Twelve Remixes of Four Songs, is available to buyers that pay more than the average price.For those wary of picking up some new tunes, each piece of this Humble Bundle is compatible with any pair of headphones or speakers you want to use.

  • The Humble Bundle tries something different, lets you name your price for albums from They Might Be Giants, Jonathan Coulton, and more

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    The Humble Bundle may have gone mobile on Android earlier this year, but that's proven to be a relatively small jump compared to the organization's latest expansion. It's now rolled out its first Humble Music Bundle, a collection of six albums that, as always, you can name your price for. Those include an album of rarities from They Might Be Giants, Jonathan Coulton's Greatest Hit (Plus 13 Other Songs), an exclusive MC Frontalot collection, Christopher Tin's Calling All Dawns, and game composer Hitoshi Sakimoto's Best of the Valkyria Chronicles -- plus OK Go's Twelve Remixes of Four Songs if you pay above the current average price. Naturally, all of the albums are DRM-free and available in both MP3 and FLAC formats, and you're able to choose what percentage of your payment goes to the artists, charities (Child's Play and the Electronic Frontier Foundation) and the Humble Bundle organization itself. You can get a taste of what's in store in the video after the break, or get previews of each album before you buy at the link below.

  • They Might Be Giants fans celebrate 'Apollo 18' anniversary with geekiest tribute imaginable

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    We love us some They Might Be Giants, and not just because the two Johns took the time to sit down with us for an episode of The Engadget Show last year. Of course, we're not the only ones out there with a strong appreciation for the fiercely original New York duo. When you've got a fanbase as geeky and devoted as TMBG's, you're bound to get some strange and wonderful tributes out of the deal. Take "Apollo 18+20: The IF Tribute Album," a collection of 38 interactive fiction games created to pay homage to the 20th anniversary of one of the group's most beloved albums. Ever wondered how "I Palindrome I" would play out, were it a text-based computer game, instead of a rock song? Manonam, click the source link to find out.

  • They Might Be Giants 'The Else' to be iTunes exclusive

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    I am a big They Might Be Giants fan, and I make no qualms about it. They are, without a doubt, my favorite band therefore I will take any opportunity to write about them. Luckily for you, dear TUAW reader, this bit of news is relevant to our favorite computer/electronics/media company.They Might Be Giants (TMBG to their friends) are releasing their newest album, 'The Else,' 2 months before the CD hits stores exclusively on iTunes. Not only is this a boon to TMBG fans, but Apple is sure to make a little money off of this (though, to be fair, TMBG aren't as popular as they once were). The CD will contain a bonus disc that won't be available on iTunes, so all the hardcore fans will still have to pick up the CD if they want the complete set (I'll be buying both, sadly).This is a slightly odd announcement because TMBG actually run their own digital download service that offers their music in high quality, and sans DRM. One can only assume that when the CD is available on July 10th, DRM free tracks will also be available via TMBG's own website.[via Macenstein]Update: With all the excitement I neglected to mention that the album will be available on May 15th.