ThinkPad x120e


  • Lenovo launches 11.6-inch ThinkPad x121e for Europe, the Japanese market

    Dana Wollman
    Dana Wollman

    It's a curious thing about consumer electronics: they often disappear as fast as they hit shelves. That's kind of what happened with Lenovo's ThinkPad x120e: months after our glowing review, it vanished from the company's online store, never to return. (You can still find it through Amazon and other retailers.) And though it remains MIA, Lenovo did just unveil the 11.6-inch ThinkPad x121e for Europe and the Japanese market -- a clear preview of what's on the horizon for us Yanks. This time around, it packs an Intel Core i3-2357 CPU, an AMD Fusion E-350 chip, or a Fusion C-50 APU. Other specs include a 1366 x 768 panel, up to 320GB in HDD storage (or a 128GB solid-state drive), HDMI and VGA out, three USB 2.0 ports (one of them powered), a 4-in-1 memory card reader, and, in some configurations, a WiMAX radio. Depending on the model, it comes with a three- or six-cell battery, the latter of which promises a max of eight-plus hours of battery life if you pair it with an Intel-based system. It's on sale now for Japanese business customers with general availability coming at the end of this month, and it's also listed on various European sites. Lenovo's US division told us it doesn't yet have a timetable to share, so for now you'll just have hit the source links and settle for a vicarious thrill. %Gallery-127749%

  • How would you change Lenovo's ThinkPad X120e?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's one of the first Fusion-based laptops out of the gate -- certainly one of the first with a semi-business-oriented shell -- and we found it to be one of the best modern ThinkPads we'd seen when reviewing it a few months back. Naturally, the quantity of machines shipping with the E-350 APU is swelling, but the X120e still touts one of the most unique feature sets available. For those who picked one up (for business or pleasure... we're hardly picky), we'd love to know how you'd tweak things. Are you satisfied with the build quality? The value? Would you encourage Lenovo to tweak a design that has remained largely constant for the better part of the last millennium? Would you have swapped out the APU for something a bit less integrated? Toss your thoughts in comments below; you never know if you'll be the dude / dudette that pushes the ThinkPad into its next evolution.

  • Scratch that, the Lenovo ThinkPad X120e is on sale now

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    We know, last week we told you that Lenovo's ThinkPad X120e wasn't going to be available until March 8th, but we guess you could call us liars, since the new AMD Zacate-powered, 11.6-inch laptop is up for sale right now on Lenovo's site. The base model with a 1.5GHz E-240 processor and three-cell battery starts at $399, but if you're looking to go up to the 1.6GHz E-350 processor, 4GB of RAM, and a six-cell battery -- the configuration of our review unit -- it'll set you back $569. According to the system configurator most systems will ship within eight business days. You've had a few weeks to decide at this point... so, are you going to get one or what?

  • Lenovo ThinkPad X120e won't ship until March 8th

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    We really hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unfortunately, that's exactly what we're about to do. Yep, you read that extremely disappointing headline correctly -- while the 11.6-inch Lenovo ThinkPad X120e, which we just recently reviewed and liked quite a bit, was supposed to start shipping on February 15th (that's tomorrow), the ship date has just slipped to March 6th. Lenovo wouldn't give us a reason for the delay or confirm whether it had to do with some of the slight video playback / graphics issues we had, but we do know that those lusting after a ThinkPad sprinkled with some fresh AMD Fusion Zacate will have to wait a few more weeks. Again, our deep apologies for having to tell you this news, but we promise to make it up to you someday, somehow.

  • Lenovo ThinkPad X120e review

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    Most things deserve a second chance, right? Hey, if they promise improvement, we think so, and that's exactly what we're giving Lenovo's ThinkPad X120e. If you recall, the previous X100e was quite a disappointment, and that's actually putting it rather nicely -- not only did the 11.6-inch system redefine the term "lapburner," but it struggled to last 3.5 hours on a charge. It was bordering on tragic, but Lenovo's ready to right all those wrongs with the X120e. While it has kept the chassis and the wonderful chiclet keyboard unchanged, it's subbed out AMD's older Neo chip for the long awaited Fusion Zacate APU. The same platform already proved to be pretty awesome in HP's Pavilion dm1z with an almost perfect blend of power, graphics, and endurance, but does the X120e reap the same benefits? At $399 ($579 for our review unit), is the perfect, affordable ThinkPad ultraportable finally here? Has Lenovo finally gotten it right? And how does it compare to the other new Fusion affordable ultraportables or notbooks, as we've taken to calling them? We've got those answers alright – hit the break for our full review. %Gallery-115842%

  • Lenovo ThinkPad X120e snatches up AMD's Zacate, aims to right all of the X100e's wrongs

    Joanna Stern
    Joanna Stern

    Remember the ThinkPad X100e? Of course you do, the ultraportable or "notbook" only lasted 3.5 hours on a charge (with a six-cell battery!) and nearly burnt through our jeans. But that's all in the past now -- Lenovo's promising to have turned it all around with the ThinkPad X120e. The 11.6-inch laptop still has the same chassis as the previous version -- awesome curved keys, red pointing stick and all -- but instead of AMD's old Neo parts, it packs the long-awaited AMD Fusion APU technology. We're still waiting on AMD's official Fusion announcement, but the X120e will be available with both the Zacate E-240 and E-350 processors, which includes AMD's Radeon HD 6310 graphics on the same chip. It's said to deliver a pretty great graphics experience with over 6.5 hours of battery life, and better yet, AMD and Lenovo both ensure us that the heat issues have been taken care of. Naturally, we'll have to test that all out for ourselves, but at $399 there's no denying that it's all sounding extremely tempting. The X120e will be available in February, and if you cross your fingers hard enough, we'll whip up a review before you have to pull out the plastic. Full press release after the break. %Gallery-112293%