

  • Netflix

    What's coming to Netflix in December: 'The Witcher' and 'Lost in Space'

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    With cold weather creeping in and many of us wanting little to do with the outdoors, Netflix has plenty of new options for you to watch in December, including several holiday shows and movies. To help you figure out what you might want to check out after curling up on the couch with some cocoa, it's released its jam-packed schedule for next month.

  • Marvel

    iTunes snafu made ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ available almost a month early

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    When you check out the Thor: Ragnarok page on iTunes, it says pre-orders of digital copies are expected to arrive on February 20th. But as TorrentFreak reports, some people got their hands on the Marvel film about a month early due to some sort of snafu with iTunes and Movies Anywhere.

  • Juicero

    Recommended Reading: Juicero and the Silicon Valley hype machine

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Silicon Valley's $400 Juicer May Be Feeling the Squeeze Ellen Huet and Olivia Zaleski, Bloomberg We never bought into the hype of a $700 juicer, but the folks at Juicero were able convince some that its WiFi-connected device was worth the investment. Well, you now only have to hand over $400 as the price dropped since it launched. Unfortunately, the juice packs that the machine uses can be squeezed by hand, which led the company's CEO to offer refunds this week to unsatisfied customers.