

  • A Question of Quality...

    Tim Dale
    Tim Dale

    I do indeed have a Three Month Rule. It isn't a staggeringly complex philosophy, and very literally means that I just wait for at least three months after the launch of an MMO, before even contemplating taking the plunge myself. It wasn't always this way mind you, and once I was a very keen early adopter, filling in beta applications with the rest and generally working myself up into a right old frenzy at the merest mention of something new and something shiny.Part of my current caution is definitely personal cynicism and a certain jaded worlds-weariness, but by no means all of it, and in many ways the Three Month Rule is very much a product of the MMOs themselves, a reaction to a regrettably lengthy succession of rushed and incomplete titles, often lurching out the door in a state of startled undress. Does the oft-repeated phrase 'It's an MMO, they're always like this' hold any water, or is there something fundamentally amiss with testing as we know it, when applied to the MMO?

  • The Daily Grind: Are you an early adopter?

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    When the hype begins a new MMO, it's hard not to get excited. Of course many of us veteran MMO players still have a chip on our shoulders from closed or changed games that leave us more than a bit ... dare we say jaded?With the increasing bonuses offered with a pre-order -- such as early beta access, in-game goodies or physical keepsakes -- being the early adopter can pay off with the right game. It can also bite you in the proverbial butt if the game turns out to be a flop. So we're curious about your adopting style. Have you pre-ordered a game in the past, and vow to never make that mistake again? Do you always pre-order and have never regretted it? Or do you implement a personal buffer zone for new games, much like Van Hemlock (our very own Tim Dale) and his infamous three month rule? Let us know!