

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Heroic 25-player raid testing announced

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    We're almost there! I'm not sure if this is the last batch of testing to occur but over the next few days, a flurry of 25-player heroic raid testing will be available for players on the PTR. The current build on the PTR has reached release candidate status which certainly means we're getting closer and closer to the patch 5.2 being deployed on to the live servers. Be sure to grab yourself a full suit of tier 15 gear before storming these heroic bosses though. Expect your gear to scale up to help you in your efforts. WoW Insider Throne of Thunder boss impressions Jin'rokh, the Breaker Horridon Iron Qon Lei Shen, the Thunder King Tortos Megaera Twin Consorts Ji-Kun Durumu the Forgotten Dark Animus Council of Elders Primordius Today's blue post with full details can be found behind the cut below.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Durumu the Forgotten

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    I can't remember the last time I've fought a beholder. The earliest ones were seen during Burning Crusade right? The last time would've been on the prisons of Tol Barad. It's a giant eye which shoots laser beams and Durumu isn't an exception. I would have never guessed Lei-Shen would keep one of these around. This encounter specifically is going to stress on your raid's capabilities to think and move on their feet. Anyone else hate fighting giant, floating eyes?

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Ji-Kun, Durumu, and Primordius raid testing announced

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Three bosses will be available for Throne of Thunder testing today, all on the 10-man difficulty. If this is your first time testing, your gear will automatically be scaled up to meet the ilevel required in this raid zone. Tier 15 gear should also now be available from the Flaskataur NPC in front of the faction shrines so consider picking up a set and testing those out in addition to the encounters! Not sure how to find the raid zone? Here's how you can get into the Throne of Thunder. WoW Insider Throne of Thunder boss impressions Jin'rokh, the Breaker Horridon Iron Qon Lei Shen, the Thunder King Tortos Dark Animus Megaera Twin Consorts The blue post announcing today's testing can be found behind the cut below.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Introduction to Thunder Isle

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    With patch 5.2 slowly getting closer to a release on live servers, a minor quest has been added for both factions to help send players to the Isle of the Thunder King. You'll see a quest discovery on the side where you'll be summoned. Your help is needed. Warning: Spoilers for patch 5.2 content incoming! Don't hit the link if you don't want to know what happens or why the Alliance and Horde are here!

  • Patch 5.2 Throne of Thunder datamined preview

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Have you been wondering what's behind the doors in that preview image of the Throne of Thunder that was posted last week? Players have commented that the place seems reminiscent of both Ulduar and the Black Temple -- in a good way, as both raids were incredibly popular when they were current content. While there isn't an official preview for the raid just yet, datamining has uncovered a glimpse of the raid zone in its raw state. Reddit user Silencerr put together the above video as a tour of sorts of the new raid zone. Because this is just datamined files, it likely won't look exactly like this on live servers -- the lighting isn't present, and any filler doodads, mobs, or bosses are absent. Basically, it's the sandbox version of what the raid will look like -- and anything can change between the PTR and now. However, the video is actually pretty neat. It's dark, it's gloomy, and the broken halls are frankly kind of disturbing. It almost reminds me of those creepy crypts underneath Karazhan, although there are no Upside-down Sinners floating around. More importantly, this raid appears to be massive, and definitely on the scale of zones like Black Temple or Ulduar. It's huge, it's menacing, and I can't wait to see what it looks like fully-realized and implemented in game. Mists of Pandaria is here! The level cap has been raised to 90, many players have returned to Azeroth, and pet battles are taking the world by storm. Keep an eye out for all of the latest news, and check out our comprehensive guide to Mists of Pandaria for everything you'll ever need to know.

  • Patch 5.2 PTR: Tier 15 models datamined

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    The intrepid minds over at Wowhead have been busy datamining as much of the new 5.2 PTR as they can, and they found the models for the next round of tier gear. While tier 15 doesn't appear to have names just yet, the models are pretty representative of what will likely be a very primitive-feeling raid, with animal and tribal themes throughout. The looks are incredibly detailed, iconic, and honestly I think as far as the rogue set is concerned, this is one that I'm not going to transmog over. Tier 15 also seems to have some of the most interesting belt designs I've seen in a long time. Some of the sets have belt buckles that are even animated with sparks and other oddities. While not all of the tier sets are complete and available for viewing, each has at least a few pieces that you can check out if you're so inclined. Take a look at Wowhead's post for still images and 3D models of each of the different tier sets.

  • Patch 5.2 reveals a 13-boss raid tier and new scenarios

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Revealed details about patch 5.2 lists four new scenarios, Infiltrating the Shipyard, Alliance and Horde versions of Isle of the Thunder King, and To the Skies! The last of these includes a stage called "Mount your Pterrorwing!" This sounds almost ridiculously fun, and all of these scenarios point to heavy Zandalari involvement in the upcoming patch 5.2 content. But, it seems from the information we have so far, the Zandalari are the initial force which must be overcome in order to tackle the true threat. There are also a couple of zones listed which are currently undefined, of which Defense of the Alehouse screams scenario or dungeon. Some new 5-man content would be welcomed! Wowhead has also datamined information on the bosses to be found in the Throne of Thunder, classified as a raid, so presumably the raid zone pictured above. There are currently 13 bosses shown, with varying levels of information currently available for each.