

  • It's-a Mario World: Golf Career

    kenneth caldwell
    kenneth caldwell

    This past Monday was met with the Virtual Console re-release of Nintendo 64's fairly amazing golf outing, Mario Golf. As you can probably imagine, there are few things that excite us more than a Mario release, and especially so since an aging game such as this one might be overlooked without the VC service. But setting aside our hopeless allegiance, golf is a sport in which Mario has long participated (along with tennis), and today we are clinking glasses with his extensive career on the greens.The best-known Mario golf games are those developed by Camelot Software Planning as part of their ongoing Mario Golf series, totaling four games to date. While arguably the best in terms of gameplay and all-inclusive Mario thematics (i.e. playable Mushroom Kingdom characters and related powerups), the Mario Golf games were by no means the first to introduce our fair plumber to the course links and a set of irons. Indulge in our new gallery for the full story. It's-a Mario World is a weekly feature in which the ubiquity of Nintendo's flagship character is celebrated: We'll incessantly ruminate about mustache wax, debate the curious whereabouts of the princess and covet the luminous power stars strewn about the galaxy. Check back here every Friday to find out what strange and wonderful thing has got us tipping our caps.