

  • Survey says: MMOs taking up 15% of gaming time

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    World of Warcraft may have around 25 hojillion subscribers (give or take), but it would appear that only a small fraction of our collective gaming time is being spent in massively multiplayer online worlds. A recent survey conducted by (via IndustryGamers) asked 13,000 US and European citizens, aged eight and up, to break down how much time they spent playing various types of games. The article detailing the survey's results, titled "Today's Gamers MMO Focus Report," claims that US citizens spend more time with MMOs than Europeans by far – 21 percent on this side of the Atlantic and 10 percent across the pond. Furthermore, 8-12-year-old males make up the majority of US players, "[which is] explained by the popularity of virtual worlds aimed at young children, such as Club Penguin and Disney Toontown," according to the report. We might normally wonder how the rest of our time stacks up in other gaming genres, but we're too busy playing Modern Warfare 2 online. See ya later!