

  • EndWar to feature persistent online campaign

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    As part of the Tom Clancy's EndWar press kit, creative director Michael de Plater confirms that the game will feature a persistent online campaign. In EndWar's Q&A section, Plater states that "one of our most ambitious features is a massively-multiplayer persistent online world campaign" and that "every time you log in you will see the shifting front lines of an entire world at war, where everyone is participating in a unified global version of World War III".A living, breathing online war changing every second of every day is a rather interesting concept. Though, it sounds as if this persistent campaign will be nothing more than some sort of stat tracking feature that updates the "online war" rather than actually interacting with other players. But we guess any sort of persistent online experience is better than none. So, what do you think? Are you moderately interested in such a feature?

  • First EndWar screens surface

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Tom Clancy's EndWar has been announced, but we have yet to see what the game will look like. That is until now, because Xboxygen posted magazine scans from the latest EGM which features exclusive EndWar screens. From what we can tell from these (mostly blurry) scans is that EndWar will be a very detailed and personal RTS. Though, we're not sure how representative the screens are of the final game, but no matter what EndWar has a lot going for it. Make the jump for the whole batch of EndWar scanned goods.Anyone willing to put their necks on the line and speculate to how innovative (and fun) EndWar will end up being?

  • Viral EndWar content discovered

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Yesterday, our Tom Clancy viral website mystery was solved with the announcement of EndWar. Though, information about the game is still lacking, but that's where the original viral website Rev64 comes to the rescue with some new content. Head on over to the Rev64 website and use passcode "s9p1z6" to get in. Once in, you'll hear the plot and backstory that EndWar is based on, including some Russian revitalization talk. Our tipster Mike also mentioned two videos were viewable once in, but after the backstory is complete we get nothing. We're thinking we probably have to register to see the media. The two videos are supposedly a F-22 dropping happy bombs on a few unlucky souls and some shaky cam soldier footage. Can anyone confirm the two videos once in the Rev64 website?[Thanks, Mike]