Torque Gaming Engine


  • Mac Gaming with a Wii-mote

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    We've had several Wii-mote and Mac related posts so far, but most have been of the just because we can sort. For instance, DarwiinRemote is mostly a proof of concept and the WiiSaber is a rather short-lived diversion. Now, however, somebody actually has a Wii-mote working as a controller for a Mac game (engine). Rob Terrell has a blog post about getting the Wii-mote working to control an on-screen crossbow (within the Torque Gaming Engine) as you can see above (a higher definition QuickTime video is on his site). Rob says that the "next step is to get a homemade IR sensor bar on the Mac." Pretty nifty I'd say and a hearty TUAW attaboy, Rob![Via DaringFireball]