

  • Cosmetic helms now available in Blizzard Store

    Sarah Pine
    Sarah Pine

    The first round of transmog gear for purchase has appeared in the Blizzard store. The Crown of Eternal Winter, Jewel of the Firelord, and Hood of Hungering Darkness are all head slot items with zero stats, functional only for cosmetic reasons. All three of these items are unique models with animations, and I do have to say, they are rather visually arresting. Of the three, I think the Jewel of the Firelord (pictured above) is my favorite, but I'm quite sure the Crown of Eternal Winter will be a popular choice thanks to its skull face look. Spooky! Something notable about these helms is that they don't seem to have an armor type. The description tells us that they work across all races and classes, and are available on all current and future WoW characters. So for those of us playing classes that might not have a whole lot of variety available to us (ahem, mail-wearers) this could be a nice way to expand the wardrobe. All three of these helms are available for purchase in the US Blizzard Store under the Collectibles tab for $15.00 apiece and in the EU Blizzard Store under the Pets & Mounts tab, for 12,00 euros each.

  • Four transmog sets for today's retro-bution paladin

    Dan Desmond
    Dan Desmond

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you The Light and How to Swing It for holy, protection and retribution paladins. Seasoned ret paladin Dan Desmond is here to answer your questions and provide you with your biweekly dose of retribution medicine. Contact him at with any questions, concerns, or suggestions! Before we jump into our completely serious, no-nonsense discussion this week, I suppose we better touch on the one piece of retribution-related news coming from the 5.3 PTR: Sword of Light now increases damage with two-handed melee weapons by 30%, up from 15%. source Naturally I, like many of you, got a warm fuzzy feeling reading that particular sentence. Higher overall damage from weapon-based attacks? Sign me up! While I don't mean to bite the hand that feeds, I am concerned that this is merely a bandage meant to keep ret from lagging too far behind until 6.0 and, as such, ultimately fails to address the cause of the problem. I'm just spitballing here, but there was talk at the tail end of Cataclysm and the very beginning of Mists that in our calculated stat weights for T14H BiS, strength was already somewhat devalued in comparison to secondary stats, especially haste, and that this could lead to ret scaling much less efficiently than other melee using similar gear. Regardless, the buff is appreciated, but I'm more looking forward to what the next expansion has in store for our spec.

  • Guide to transmogrification resources

    Dawn Moore
    Dawn Moore

    You just spent 13,000 gold on a pair of purple boots. No, not purple quality -- purple as in the color. What? It matched the subtle detailing on your tier 2 shoulders perfectly. OK, maybe not perfectly, but it's close enough. Wait, maybe you can find something closer? Better go look again. We get it. You're addicted to transmogrification. Your void storage is packed full of gear that you haven't worn since level 9, and your friends are planning to stage an intervention. You want more -- no, you need more. Fortunately, we're here to help. Like a best friend who brings you a batch of her famous marshmallow chocolate chunk cookies two days after you start a diet, we've compiled a list of transmogrification resources you may find useful in getting your next fix -- I mean, outfit.