

  • TUAW Guide: Getting Ready for Leopard

    Like everyone else, we here at TUAW are excited and champing at the bit to get at Leopard. Unfortunately, we have about another week to go; however, that gives everyone time to get ready. In that spirit we present this TUAW Guide to Getting Ready for Leopard. Keep in mind that I don't actually have access to Leopard, so all of the following advice is based on past OS X upgrade experience rather than the actual upgrade to 10.5. Nonetheless, I'm reasonably sure these steps should ease the transition from Tiger. As always, reader comments and suggestions are welcome.

    Mat Lu
  • TUAW Guide: Xbox 360 and Mac

    In many of the recent reviews of the Apple TV, the Xbox 360 was often mentioned as a competing Media Extender product. Having recently bought a 360, I thought it would be good to discover the ways in which my two pretty white boxes can work together. In this TUAW Guide to Xbox 360 and the Mac, I'm going to discuss some of both the hardware and software compatibilities between the machines. If you've ever been curious about the Xbox 360 read on, and if you're an old hand my Gamertag is matonmacs, send a friend request my way; maybe we can get a TUAW clan going!

    Mat Lu