

  • Metro: Last Light's nuclear horror creeps to Mac in September, Linux later this year

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    Developer 4A Games is spreading Metro: Last Light's bleak vision of a nuclear future (is there any other kind?) to new digs starting September 10th. Next month it'll be available via Steam -- with Steam Play support -- and the App Store for Mac, but Linux fans have to wait until "sometime later" this year to play another high-profile title on Valve's favorite OS. If add-on content turns your crank, the extended love the Windows and console versions got will be available at launch, with future releases arriving simultaneously for all systems. If you haven't played Last Light's prequel on one of those other platforms and want to catch up on the story, give the book it's based on a shot in the meantime. You've finished all your feel-good beach novels by now, yeah?

  • Crytek hunting for developer who can bring CryEngine to Linux

    Timothy J. Seppala
    Timothy J. Seppala

    The penguin has been getting awfully cozy with game developers lately. This time it's with the company known to make GPUs melt at the faintest whisper of its name: Crytek. According to a recent job listing, the German shooter shop is looking for a programmer to work on a Linux version of CryEngine. Of course, you need to relocate to Deutschland and have a few years experience in software development under your belt. Seeing another major PC studio devoting resources to the open-source OS only increases the growing momentum for Valve's Steambox ecosystem of choice. To answer the eternal question, it appears that yes, even the Tux can run Crysis.

  • Linux Foundation sets up Job Board, cites 80 percent growth in Linux-related jobs

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    As the Linux Foundation tells it, the Linux-related job market is today 80 percent larger than it was five years ago. Whereas other industries have had to shed workers in the current recession, the Foundation is hopeful penny-pinching measures might actually encourage businesses to transition to Linux-based software and thereby further stimulate employment opportunities within the sector. We're not told exactly what "Linux-related" means in this context, but the newly set up Linux.com Job Board indicates that the vast majority of new openings are for system admins. That's right, the corporate world is crying out for more geeks -- won't you answer the call? [Thanks to Overlord59 for the Tux images]

  • WoW Insider Show special video edition live tomorrow

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    The day has arrived. A little while ago, we challenged you fans to get us over 9000 Twitter followers, and somehow, some way, you delivered. So now we have to keep our promises -- tomorrow, the WoW Insider Show, which has only ever been an audio podcast, will include video with our live feed, and you'll be able to see the faces of all your favorite bloggers (for better or worse). Turpster and I will be dressed in our finest threads, we'll be toasting champagne (so bring your own if you want to toast with us, 21+ please), and we'll host a cavalcade of bloggers and friends of the show on live video. We've got some surprises planned, and hopefully Ustream will hold up under the strain -- whatever happens, it'll surely be wild.The show begins our Ustream page at May 23, 2009 3:30 PM EDT var date_span = document.getElementById("date"); var date = new Date(date_span.innerHTML); var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug", "Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); var weekday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"); var year = date.getFullYear(); var day_of_month = date.getDate(); var month = monthname[date.getMonth()]; var day = weekday[date.getDay()]; var hour = date.getHours(); if (hour > 11) { if (hour > 12) {hour -= 12} am_pm = "PM"; } else { am_pm = "AM"; } var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0"+minute; } date_string = day + ", " + month + " " + day_of_month; date_string += " at " + hour + ":" + minute + " " + am_pm; offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if (offset >= 0) { offset = "+"+offset; } date_string += " in your time zone (GMT"+offset+")"; date_span.innerHTML = (date_string); , or you can jump after the break to see an embedded feed. The audio archive of the show will appear here on Monday, and we'll have a video version on Ustream, but unfortunately Ustream will only save one video stream -- mine. So if you want to see Turpster and our guests on video, someone in the live audience might have to Fraps it out. And directly after the show, we'll be spending some time on Zangarmarsh (It Came From the Blog is our guild over there on Horde side, and I'll be hanging out and dueling Peggle if you want to stop by).Whew. It will be memorable, I can guarantee that. We'll also talk a little bit of Warcraft, and of course we'll talk about the new WoW.com and what it means for the podcast as well. We'll see you (and by see you, I mean you'll actually see us) tomorrow afternoon.

  • Get your notifications from the Tux bot

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    This bad boy's been floating around for a while, but those of you looking to hop on the secondary information device bandwagon but reluctant to purchase anything that doesn't loudly proclaim your love of Linux might want to check out the Tux Droid. The $99 wireless version of everyone's favorite mascot will alert you to nearly anything you want via an adorable combination of wing-flapping, dancing, spinning, and light-flashing, and the open-source codebase means that there's already quite a library of plugins besides the usual email and RSS monitors. Tux snags info from his included (ridiculous) USB fish transmitter, but he can also function as a VOIP phone, wireless speaker, and alarm clock -- and motion sensors mean you're also getting a guard penguin in the deal.

  • "Linux car" first to crash at Indianapolis 500

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Linux fans didn't exactly get the publicity they were hoping for at the Indianapolis 500 on Sunday, when the so-called "Linux car" they had sponsored proved to be the first in the race to crash, ultimately causing it to finish dead last. The car was the result of the Tux 500 campaign, which raised enough money to put the familiar Tux mascot front and center on Chastain Motorsports' #77 car in the hope that it'd raise the profile of the OS. Faring considerably better in the publicity department was Joost, which sponsored the car that wound up finishing a respectable seventh. Maybe next time the Linux folks should work on making the whole car open source.

  • Plasticsmith Tux stands, formal-wear for your iPod

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Your iPod and iPod mini will never be underdressed again thanks to The Plasticsmith's new "tux" line of iPod stands."Tux is a protective pedestal that is designed to be placed on the desk, next to the stereo, on the nightstand or any place where you regularly listen to your iPod with headphones or connected to speakers. Available for iPod and iPod mini, it comes in two versions, upright and tilt. Its side supports are built from extra-thick, flame-polished acrylic, slotted for a perfect fit and easy loading and unloading. Tux suspends iPod above the base, supporting charging and syncing with iPod's cable while secured. It is available in two color themes, black-based or white-based, with clear sides on all models and 3M non-skid pads for stability and protection of table tops."I'm baffled as to why they don't have one model that can be used as upright or tilt? Seems odd, don't you think? Would a little pivot joint have been that much trouble? Anyway, the tux stands are $35 at plasticsmith.com and they are expected to ship next week.I'm wondering how the black one holding my iPod photo might look next to the flaming red DecoDock Lava Edition.