

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 77: The Lady Factor

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We had a great time on the WoW Insider Show this past weekend -- Turpster and I welcomed back Michael Sacco (formerly known as Belfaire on the official forums and now a blogger here on WoW Insider) and manly man Matthew Rossi to talk about what's coming up in patch 3.0.9, what we thought of the dual spec news we heard last week, and our progress (or lack thereof, apparently) on the Love is in the Air event. We also answered lots of emails from listeners, and speculated on what Blizzard's future release schedule might look like.And a huge thanks to all of our listeners for hitting 4,000 fans on our Facebook page -- Turpster's song is coming soon (hopefully next week), and as a mini-reward this week, by request, here's a downloadable version of Sammy T's great "Meat of the Show" song (just right-click save as, and if you do anything with it, be sure to let us know).Our next goal has to do with our Twitter page -- as we announced on the show, if we can get "over 9000" Twitter followers there, we'll do a video version of our podcast, either with ingame video or Turpster and me on camera ourselves. So tell your friends and Twitter followers to check us out over there. Enjoy the show, and we'll see you as always next week.Get the podcast:[iTunes] Subscribe to the WoW Insider Show directly in iTunes.[Ustream] Listen to the unedited recording in Ustream.[RSS] Add the WoW Insider Show to your RSS aggregator.[MP3] Download the MP3 directly.Listen here on the page:

  • The WAR on Twitter

    James Egan
    James Egan

    It seems that any game company that wants to get the word out about what they're doing, or simply to generate buzz, leverages social networking. Many companies are now using that diminutive yet potent power of Twitter and Mythic Entertainment is no different. The WAR Herald has announced that it's now twittering updates on Warhammer Online hot fixes, dev blogs, and topics of interest to the WAR community in general. The WAR Herald isn't Mythic's only Twitter presence though -- both Paul Barnett and Josh Drescher have feeds as well, followed by a growing legion of Warhammer Online fans. Mythic has announced the first expansion to Warhammer Online! Check out the announcement itself, the two brand-new classes coming to the game, and the enormous new dungeon/zone slated for a few months away! Plus, don't miss any of our ongoing coverage as Massively goes to WAR!

  • The Guild gets down in episode 11 of season 2

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's throw down time around The Guild this week, in the second to last episode of the second season. Codex gets it on in a back room at the party, and Bladezz gets screwed (though not quite in the way that he'd hoped). Zaboo finally gets a chance to show how much of a man he's become, with a little support from the rest of the guys. And things are set right up for the season finale next week. The show's available on MSN and Xbox Live right now, so go check it out.In other guild news, there's now an official podcast for the show, run by two of the folks behind the scenes on the video shoots. And the official site has also posted a list of all the Guildies on Twitter, so you can stalk follow anyone you like. Oh, and as long as you're on Twitter, don't forget to follow stalk us, too.Season finale next week -- should be good.EDIT: Podcast link working now.

  • INQ's next handset will get further up in your social networks

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    INQ's first handset, the INQ1, got cozy with your friends on Facebook, letting you check their updates and let them all know what's happening in your 'hood while making Skype calls and checking your e-mail. The company's coming back for more with the ingeniously named INQ2, pledging to add Twitter support into the mix in a move to get more social network-agnostic. No further details are available at this point on what (if any) other services the upcoming handset will interact with, or whether it'll have a somewhat more original name, but you can be sure we'll keep you updated.

  • Cryptic Studios tweeting from New York Comic Con

    James Egan
    James Egan

    Among the MMO developers who will be at this year's New York Comic Con is Cryptic Studios, who are producing the much-anticipated titles Champions Online and Star Trek Online. Their studio's site announced that they'll be using Twitter at NYCC, so those of you out there who can't make the trip to New York (or simply aren't willing to deal with the East Coast winter) can follow what they're doing or announcing at their booth, and of course during the panels. The main twitters coming from Cryptic Studios are through, but other members of the studio's team can be obsessively monitored as well: CrypticZinc Cryptic_chrono CrypticAwen CrypticFireCait Remotely stalking your favorite devs has never been easier! But if you're in town, you can check out the Cryptic Meet and Greet at NYCC on Saturday, February 7th, between 1pm and 2pm EST.

  • MacBook Pro, music video star

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    We tweeted this last week, but it seemed worth a second mention: New York-based hip-hop artists DeScribe and Y-Love have released their video for the new single "Change," prominently featuring a trio of MacBook Pro machines. While many computers appearing in videos are idle or showing mocked-up graphics, these machines are in active use -- Y-Love is apparently busy monitoring his Twitter feed via the Adobe AIR-based client TweetDeck.For more Mac & PC appearances on film and TV, check out Starring the Computer (via Ars), a compendium of technology cameos. You can also see the first music video recorded on an iPhone and a tour of Mac OS in song via past posts... but if you love your Mac as much as this woman does, maybe you should record your own video.

  • Twitterrific 3.2 squashes bugs, adds small features

    Robert Palmer
    Robert Palmer

    Twitterrific, from our friends at the Iconfactory, has been updated to version 3.2: the first update for the desktop version of the small-footprint Twitter client in nearly a year. This new version accurately marks old tweets as read when the software starts, and adds "in reply to" IDs to @ messages so conversations can be more easily tracked. Also, Twitterrific now uses the more secure HTTPS protocol to communicate with the Twitter servers. Using a proxy server is now more reliable, along with other changes to the network and communication foundation. A complete list of the changes is available on the Iconfactory website. Twitterrific comes in two flavors: one is free, but supported by ads from The Deck, and the second removes the ads, but is $15. Twitterrific requires Mac OS X 10.4 or later, and a Twitter account (obviously). The Iconfactory also recently started tweeting themselves, and you can find them at @iconfactory. In related news, remember that you can also follow @TUAW for updates above and beyond what you read on our site, along with tweets from all our contributors, too.

  • Peggle coming to the iPhone in March

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We actually heard this last year, straight from Apple, but here's confirmation: PopCap Games has told our sister site Joystiq that Peggle, the distractingly cute-looking yet extremely addictive puzzle shooter, is coming to the iPhone in March of this year. If you've played Peggle (or any of PopCap's games, really) you'll know why this is so exciting, and if you haven't yet played it, you'll be in for a treat.Word of the game apparently sneaked out via Popcap's official Twitter account, and while it was originally deleted (someone decided they didn't want to talk about it yet), the company later confirmed the game and the month of release. Of course, the game is currently available on the classic iPod, but it'll be that much better with touch-screen goodness added in. Extreme Fever!

  • Ask Twitter: What's the fastest class to level?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    This morning, reader Jipi wrote to us pointing out a post, written way back in 2007, discussing which classes were the fastest levelers. But, being as it's a good year and a half out of date, Jipi wanted to know which classes were the fastest levelers now. We thought that the Twitter community might have some insight on the matter -- so we asked them! (On Twitter? Follow us! We'll talk WoW!) Some of the answers we received echoed our original post: Hunters and Warlocks still get a nod as some of your best options. Both do excellent DPS and have pets to lend a hand. Also high on the list were Druids, who received praise for their versatility. And, unsurprisingly, Death Knights are new on the list -- not only do they have the advantage of skipping the first 55 levels, but they also do great DPS with high survivability. For everyone's on Twitter's answers to this question (in 140 characters or less) -- or to add your own (in as many characters as you'd like) -- read on!

  • Twitterers remember their first Mac

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Sam K. (thanks!) noticed the fun on Twitter -- lots of folks are sharing their memories of the first Mac they bought/used with the #firstmac hash tag, and boy is it fun reading through them. The responses are all over the place, from the old ][e (technically my first computer ever at school, though the first one I actually owned at home was a Tandy Color Computer my Dad bought from one of his coworkers) and //c up to the old iMacs and even a few people who can only claim iPod as the first Apple product they used. The first Mac I actually owned was much later than my first steps into BASIC -- when I needed a laptop a few years ago, I picked up a 12" Powerbook G4 and have been straight OS X ever since. It's great to read this stuff, because you can see just how Apple has shaped people's lives. I was amazed to hear all of the emotion in the calls to Steve on our talkcast last week, but looking at something like this Twitter feed (to put your own memories in, just mark a tweet with the #firstmac tag somewhere in there) really shows you how dedicated Apple's products have made the company's customers. These people have all bought a Mac, whether it was a Mac SE (errrr, a Mac Classic?) or a MacBook Air, and never looked back since. Very cool. And while we're at it, is it possible that you're on Twitter and haven't yet started following us? If not, jump in and do so now!

  • What are you looking forward to in 3.0.8?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Last night we asked our Twitter followers what they were looking forward to when the realms came back online with patch 3.0.8. (Not on sure what I'm talking about? Here's Twitter in plain English.) Here's what the Twitterati had to say to us (in 140 characters or less):thehatfield @WoWInsider not that excited (my main is a hunter) but probably most looking forward to one shot mining nodes I guess.synae @WoWInsider slow fall castable on others ;-)gimly @WoWInsider I am looking forward to owning a tiger mount on my dranei shaman and I will certainly appreciate faster corpse walksastromoose @WoWInsider Creating a DK on another realm so I can FINALLY hang out in WoW with my mate who has moved to Canada.cuppy @WoWInsider basically just being able to trade Ink of the Sea for Snowfall Ink. That will be rad.Artoo_UK @WoWInsider the new pet collector achievement :)superkathoid @WoWInsider Swipe in cat form! JusticeJuice @WoWInsider Druids with polearms and Holy plate goggles for my pally.grinface @WoWInsider The craftable moonkin boots and the ink-trading for inscribers.str1fe @WoWInsider 3.0.8? Yawn. Dual specs please.Razor1138 @WoWInsider Blood DK buffsBeckaNoel @WoWInsider Casting levitate on everybody! Woot! But...not looking forward to coh having a 6 second cd -.-Kreeoni @WoWInsider LAGFIX!KellyAarons @WoWInsider Druids with polearms!! Nah, I kid. I honestly have no big wants with this patch. Gotta admit lots of great stuff coming though.mattycus @WoWInsider CoH nerf (i'm a priest!) and accelerated sons of hodir rep gainSo what are you looking forward to in 3.0.8? And, yes, in our comments you can use more than 140 characters to express your opinions.

  • iPhone pix making front pages

    Mel Martin
    Mel Martin

    The crash and near miraculous rescue of the passengers and crew of U.S. Airways Flight 1549 in New York City has been big news for the last day. Like many news events, it has been extensively covered by news agencies, and, as we are seeing more frequently now, by the public using camera phones.With the popularity of the iPhone, a breaking news story is never far from our favorite cellular device. Janis Krums, a Florida businessman, was on a Hudson River ferry boat when the pilot plunged the airliner into the frigid waters yesterday afternoon. His picture of the sinking aircraft, with passengers knee deep in water on the right wing helped tell the story in a single image, and his dramatic shot was splashed on front pages across the country. Krums used Twitpic to publish his photo, and that service was soon shut down by high traffic. He was interviewed on MSNBC and kept his friends up to date on his Twitter feed.Flickr is also displaying lots of photos from the scene, many of them taken by iPhones. Not much happens today out of the sight of a camera or a camera phone. Janis Krums scooped just about everybody using only his quick wits and his favorite mobile phone.[via PDN Pulse, news services, MSNBC]]

  • Tweetie 1.2 for iPhone adds Instapaper, enhanced functionality and some hilarity

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    Tweetie, my current favorite Twitter client for the iPhone, has just been updated to version 1.2 [iTunes link]. While the update offers a slew of enhancements, new features and improved functionality, what makes this release memorable and unique is the sly dose of humor developer Loren Brichter inserted in the latest version of the app.Updates and ImprovementsBecause Loren was nice enough to let me into the Tweetie beta, I've had the opportunity to watch some of the new features evolve and improve over the last month or so. What was already a great app is now even better, thanks to new additions and refinements to existing features. Instapaper support. Now if you see a link in a tweet that you want to save for later, you have the option to save it to Instapaper, in addition to e-mailing, tweeting or opening the link in Safari. Block/unblock from the app Remember scroll position on relaunch and refresh Twitpic linking for photos Optional landscape keyboard (note: if you choose this option you will have landscape mode regardless of how your device is held.) Switch account from the "compose" menu (super helpful if you manage accounts that have some overlap in followers) A new "Swipe to reply" shortcut Drafts persist after relaunch Nearby radius control There are even more features and enhancements, and you can see the whole list at the developer's blog.(A note: To access some of these new features, you'll need to go to the Tweetie pane in "Settings" on your iPhone or iPod touch and then select or change your preference.)Popularity EnhancEr = HilarityWe love it when developers have a sense of humor. Not content with having Tweetie become popular just because it is a quality app, Loren Brichter decided to bring a taste of the more popular -- if inane -- App Store apps: farts and flashlights.Enable the Popularity Enhancer and not only do you get a nifty flashlight, the new swipe to reply feature will make a hilarious wet fart sound. Brilliant.Tweetie 1.2 [iTunes link] is availalbe in the App Store for $2.99 US and of course, existing users can download the update directly from the device or from iTunes.

  • kwiry adds TiVo scheduling, social networking support

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    kwiry's been helping texters remember things for well over a year, and now it's about to help them schedule TiVo recordings and update their Facebook / Twitter statuses. A few new kwiry shortcuts have been announced to make the lives of text messaging fiends more enjoyable, with a one-time account link between your handset and your TiVo Series2 / Series3 enabling a "tivo 30 Rock" SMS to trigger that very action. Additionally, users can now tap into Yelp and email contact information on the go, and as always, the service is completely free to end users. Hear that? Free.[Via CNET]

  • A nearly complete list of MMO companies on Twitter

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    Not surprisingly, when a complete list of videogame companies and developers on Twitter is compiled, MMO devs and companies take up a large chunk of the list. We would expect nothing less from such online socially-orientated companies.The list -- created by Sam "QforQ" Houston, community manager GamerDNA -- is a great resource for anyone looking to keep up to date with companies like SOE, BioWare, NCsoft, 38 Studios, ArenaNet, Blizzard, Carbine Studios, FunCom, CCP Games, Flying Lab Software, Mythic Entertainment and many more. It's an impressive list, although being Massively meant we had to double-check it for missing links. As such, we found that there was no Cryptic Studios love in there. So, for the sake of completion, we've gone ahead and provided the link for any fans of Champions Online or Star Trek Online.

  • Bolster your Twitter followers with the video game industry directory

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Sam Houston knows more about social networking in gaming communities than the rest of us combined. After all, he is the community manager for GamerDNA, a sort of ludological Facebook (only without the near-constant application invitations). So when Houston called out the gaming industry last summer for failing to use common social networking tools to keep in touch with their customers, they took it to heart, and joined the Twitter ranks en masse.Earlier today, Houston compiled a directory of gaming industry moguls who tweet with alarming frequency. If you've ever wondered about the daily exploits of folks like @djaffe and @fourzerotwo, but never been interested to read more than 140 characters about said exploits, you might want to check it out. Then again, you may just use this new information to further stalk @majornelson. We can't really condone that type of behavior.

  • Macworld 2009: Interview with Iconfactory's Craig Hockenberry

    Chris Ullrich
    Chris Ullrich

    Twitter is arguably one of the most popular social networking platforms in use today. And, one of the most popular ways to use Twitter is via applications for your Mac and the iPhone. In that space, one particular app seems to dominate -- Iconfactory's Twitterrific.TUAW's own Christina Warren (A.K.A. @film_girl) sat down with Iconfactory's Craig Hockenberry (A.K.A @chockenberry) to get all the latest on Twitterirfic, and to find out what else he has in store for Twitter users and elegantly designed icon fans everywhere. Click through to check out the video.

  • Yahoo! recaps a day of setting the Internet-on-TV movement on fire with Widgets

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Okay Yahoo!, we're sorry we teased, we give up, you win. After what certainly seemed on this end to be an endless run of HDTV manufacturers announcing support for the Widget Engine today -- and serving up a hefty slap in the face to Microsoft and others who've been moving the Internet to TV movement for some time now -- all we can do is look over the carnage. Signed up on the app side of platform formerly known as Konfabulator are content providers like eBay, MySpace, CBS, Blockbuster OnDemand (in its first off-2Wire MediaPoint appearance), Netflix, Showtime, USA Today and Twitter, while the Widget Development Kit has opened up to developers interested in putting their apps on the screens of millions. Hardware should street starting this spring from the likes of Samsung, LG, Sony and Vizio leaving the biggest question mark as how the competition and their clumsy external boxes can possibly respond.

  • Washing machine hacked to tweet when the load's done: @maytag, you listening?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We're truthfully not sure what's cooler: the fact that the above pictured washing machine tweets when it's done, or the fact that the above pictured washing machine still works. We're guessing that the geeks in the crowd would argue that it's clearly the former, and for those interested in a little proof / explanation, you can head on past the break for a video demonstration. But just so you know, it's highly unlikely that your Twittering washer will have any diehard followers. [Via technabob]

  • Social networking getting bigger on mobile phones

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is a big duh to anyone (like me) who's switched to a smartphone within the last year or so, but according to "new research" (I've never heard of them either), social networking applications and websites are blowing up on mobile phones, including none other than the iPhone. Things are going both ways -- social networks are reaching out to mobile users with mobile versions of their sites and device-specific applications, and mobile phones are reaching back by allowing quick and easy ways to take pictures or upload text or video. That dude on his phone in the bar next to you is just as likely to be texting his entire network as he is texting that friend he's waiting for. The end of The Guardian's article about this notes that search is up on mobile phones, too. Throw one more tick on the list of ways the iPhone has influenced how, when, and where we're using the Internet on our phones. [via textually]