

  • Winners announced for LotRO's loading screen contest

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The Lord of the Rings Online loading screen contest has finally been judged, about a month on from when the last submissions were entered, and we now get to see the winning shots. Two screenshots were selected, and these will soon feature as loading screens for the game. In no order, the winners were Decay and Twofry; clicking either of those names will take you through to a full-sized screenshot.In the congratulatory forum thread, it seems that not everyone is happy with the choice of winners -- while it is hard to please everyone, we do have another option for you. If you have a picture that didn't win and still want to show it off, why not send them to us at one shots AT massively DOT com, and let your fellow MMO gamers see it in our One Shots series?