

  • New Undelete Character feature for World of Warcraft

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    I have to admit, I didn't see it coming, and I probably should with the push to get players to return for Warlords of Draenor. A new automated service, useable once every 30 days, will allow you to restore a deleted character. What are the restrictions on this service? Well, for starters, level 10 and below characters are just plain gone. Same with level 55 DK's. If you barely even played it, don't try to undelete it, it's gone. New Feature Incoming: Undelete Character In the upcoming pre-Warlords of Draenor content patch, we're adding a new feature that allows players to undelete characters. But before you delete that character, there are a few limitations we want you to let you to know about first. Characters under level 10 and Death Knights at level 55 are not eligible to be undeleted. Characters between level 10 and level 29 will no longer recoverable after 90 days. Characters between level 30 and 49 will no longer recoverable after 120 days. All other characters level 50 and above are eligible to be undeleted at any time. Please keep in mind you will only be able to use the undelete option once every 30 days. Undeleting a character restores all of its enchantments, gems, and items fully intact. You'll be able to get back into action right away, and your character won't remember being deleted-we won't tell, either. Shhhh. . . . Reclaiming Your Name: What About Flugur? We'll be holding deleted character names for a limited time, and the original creator can reclaim it for use on a new character during that time. If you create a new character with the same name as one of your deleted characters (let's say Flugur), the new character must be renamed, transferred, or deleted to complete the restoration of the original Flugur. source That last bit seems odd to me - wouldn't it be easier to just force Flugur to be renamed? Does this mean if I created a new warrior named Flugur and leveled him to 90, I'd have to fork out for a rename if I wanted my old BC era Flugur back? But otherwise it's a cool thing to have added, and I might even make use of it for that paladin I deleted back in BC. He had some weird stuff in his bags from Naxx.