University of Birmingham


  • University of Birmingham researchers develop antibacterial stainless steel, mysophobes clap from within their bubbles

    Joseph Volpe
    Joseph Volpe

    Answering the call of germphobes and their Stepford ladies-in-waiting everywhere, researchers at the University of Birmingham have devised a silver-infused technique of warding off unwanted bacteria. Eschewing the previously attempted, but short-lived coating method, these scientists have "developed a novel surface alloying technology" that infuses silver, nitrogen and carbon into a newly germ-resistant stainless steel surface. The team hopes this super durable steel will soon find its anti-bacterial way into hospitals and the surgical implements they employ -- not to mention your college cafeteria. Modern Lady Macbeth homemaker types can breathe a sigh of "Out, damn'd superbug spot" relief and get back to sealing up the furniture.

  • Study: Pricing and social features most important factors for game success

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Prepare yourselves, dear readers, to be blinded with science! Russell Beale and Matthew Bond, two industry analysts from the University of Birmingham, UK, recently conducted a study to see what factors mattered the most when determining video game review scores. What they found was that graphical fidelity and storytelling actually took a backseat to budget pricing, social networking features and family accessibility when it comes to racking up the ten-out-of-tens. The article on NewScientist which reports on the study gives us no indication as to how it was conducted -- still, it's inspired us to create a casual video game based on MySpace, which will hit retail shelves at a cool $9.99. All that left to do now is drown in sweet, published accolades.