

  • DDO's Challenges tweaked, torqued, and tailored

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    It's been a few weeks since Dungeons and Dragons Online came out with Update 12 and its newfangled Challenge system. No new system is perfect, of course, which is why Turbine has a slew of changes and fixes in testing as it prepares the first post-Update 12 patch for release. There's no one specific aspect of the Challenges that is receiving the most attention, but a variety of tweaks to make the feature more enjoyable (and functional) as a whole. The patch includes additional weapons at Challenge vendors, Challenge loot that can be used in crafting and upgraded, and the ability for players to repeat Star Challenges for XP. There's also the interesting inclusion of the ability to sell DDO Store-bought loot to in-game vendors for cash. Players are invited to check the changes out on the Lamannia test server or to peruse the patch notes at their leisure.