
  • niphon via Getty Images

    USB-C could soon offer protection against nefarious devices

    USB chargers and devices are universally accessible and easy to use, but they come with a host of potential security risks, namely the spread of malware from infected devices, and data leakage should a device fall into the wrong hands. Now, the USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) -- the big dog in the advancement of USB tech -- has launched its USB Type-C Authentication Program, which will help mitigate these issues.

    Rachel England
  • UIG via Getty Images

    Microsoft and Apple helped build new braille display standard

    Accessibility is an increasingly important issue when it comes to tech; while new technology can certainly make it easier for people with accessibility issues to interact with the world, it can also end up shutting people out. Today, the non-profit USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) announced a new standard for braille displays. It was developed in cooperation with Microsoft, Apple and other tech industry leaders.

    Swapna Krishna
  • New software can tell if you're using bad USB Type-C cables

    Subpar USB Type-C cables could fry your devices -- just ask that Google engineer who tested a few and ended up losing a Chromebook Pixel 2 to a particularly bad one. In an effort to protect users, the USB Implementers Forum, a non-profit org that certifies USB cables, has developed a cryptographic-based authentication protocol. A device that has been updated or released with the protocol will be able to tell if the cable plugged into it has been approved by the organization before taking any other action.

    Mariella Moon
  • USB-IF releases extensions to USB video class 1.1, offloading compression is a go

    For those unaware, a USB video class describes a device that's capable of streaming video -- you know, things like webcams, camcorders, TV tuners and even still-image cameras. For the longest time, you needed to rely on your machine to do the grunt work associated with encoding video, but new extensions to the USB video class 1.1 have enabled those very devices to support H.264. In other words, H.264 encoding can now be offloaded to the device itself, and furthermore, the compression provides more bandwidth for additional USB devices. We're told that the H.264 Payload specification is compatible with drivers based upon the USB-IF's UVC 1.0 and 1.1 specifications and relies on proper support of the MJPG and/or Stream Based payload format, and if you're an engineer looking to integrate, the goods you need are stocked away in the source link below.

    Darren Murph
  • Palm complains about Apple to USB governing body, while Pre / iTunes sync "fix" is explained

    You should be refilling that popcorn bucket right about now. While we thought the next round of the Pre / iTunes syncing fiasco would probably be something simple like Apple releasing another quick patch, Palm has stepped it up a notch by complaining to the USB Implementers Forum over what it sees is "improper use of the Vendor ID number" by the gang at Cupertino. What the company means is that when an ID is applied for, a form is signed that states:"Unauthorized use of assigned or unassigned USB Vendor ID Numbers and associated Product ID Numbers are strictly prohibited." The implication here is that Palm believes Apple is violating this stature by disallowing certain Vendor IDs -- namely, Palm's -- from using iTunes. So how'd Palm manage to "fix" that syncing hole Apple managed to fill? From the looks of it, by misrepresenting its own Vendor ID, so that the Pre now shows up as a iPod / mass storage device made by Apple (ID 0x05ac) as opposed to one by Palm (ID 0x083) -- hence the complaint. Of course, lying about your own ID would seem to break with the aforementioned rule, too, so what we're left here is some muddled grey area and Palm apparently being okay with fudging some data to correct what it sees is an injustice. If anyone's curious, DVD Jon points out that the root USB Node is still identified as "Pre," so we very likely could see another round of these shenanigans in the not-too-distant future.Finally, now's as good of a time as any to take a look at some of the peripheral casualties from this war of attrition. In an essay on his personal site that's been circulating the interwebs, Marc Deslauriers outlines the pangs he and the Linux community have felt over the years trying to use iPods on the open source platform, surmising that Apple is intentionally and repeatedly seeking ways to block non-iTunes programs from syncing in any way with its devices. This story is far from over, and as ugly as it looks now, it's probably only gonna get worse.[Via Digg and Pre Central]Read - Marc Deslauriers, "Goodbye Apple"Read - Palm's lodges complaint with USB IFRead - USB Vendor ID applicationRead - Palm Pre USB hack confirmed

    Ross Miller