

  • New contest for Gods and Heroes offering a toga getaway

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    To look at most of the screenshots for Gods and Heroes, you might think that life in ancient Rome was nothing but gladiators fighting mythical monsters and one another. But if you went to college (or watched Animal House at some point), the first element of Roman culture that springs to mind is the toga. Heatwave Interactive is capitalizing on just that by offering fans a chance to spend a weekend in Las Vegas with all expenses paid -- just for wearing a toga. Running until June 6th, the contest asks for players to don a toga, upload a photograph to the official site, and then take part in the voting to determine who looks best in a tastefully arranged bedsheet. The full rules are naturally a bit more elaborate than that for legal reasons, but the important point is that you can get a free trip just for dressing up in a ridiculous but appropriate outfit. That's something any Gods and Heroes fan can get behind.