

  • Geek out with SiN Episodes: Statistics

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Poor Ritual, they get out the door with their (admittedly pretty decent) episodic title first, only to get shown up by the superlative Half Life 2: Episode One a short while later. It's a little early to be declaring victors, especially when Ritual and Valve are allies in the fight for episodic content, but if you're eager to compare the two, now you can do so ... empirically.Following the 1.4 patch, SiN Episodes is collecting data automatically (but anonymously of course) so they're able to analyze this stuff and (purportedly) create a better game. So, using the recently released data from SiN Episodes: Emergence and the data released for Valve's HL2:E1, we can determine that, in fact, HL2: E1 is the longer game on average clocking in at 5h 23m versus SiN's 4h 49m. The other metrics don't match up as nicely, but there's plenty to geek out over. Hardest level: se1_highrise03. Killingest weapon: Magnum. You get the idea.

  • See Team Fortress 2 and Portal in action

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Lest you missed the news on Joystiq, Valve is releasing Half-Life 2 for the 360. Not only that, but the game will be packaged with Episode One, Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. In celebration of this momentous news, we bring you precious trailers for Team Fortress 2 and Portal. Team Fortress 2 is, of course, the sequel to the original Team Fortress. You may view a trailer for it at Xboxyde. Portal, a first person puzzler in the vein of Lode Runner and Solomon's Key, may prove to be the most interesting of the bunch, and you can see a video of it embedded in this very post. I have just one word: gimme. Anybody else excited for this massive package of gaming goodness?

  • Team Fortress 2 is so 'incredibles'

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Valve released this teaser trailer for Team Fortress 2 today. The game is definitely funked out with a Pixar-esque twist. Now couple this with what we saw in the Portal peek yesterday, throw in HL2 with Episodes 1 & 2 tacked on, and Valve looks to be on the verge of releasing an uber-impressive package for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 -- and hopefully in time for the holidays. Happy, happy. Joy, joy. A note from Valve PR: All the footage shown in this trailer was created using Source. Some of the effects, namely depth of field and motion blur, were applied via post-processing features built into the Source engine technology.

  • First trailer of Valve's Portal released

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    One of the announced games to be featured alongside the upcoming PC and console versions of Half-Life 2: Episode Two is one that promises to obliterate your concepts of traditional level design and generally assault your brain with a large rolling pin. It's called Portal and, should the name not be explanatory enough, it deals primarily with gaping holes in time and space which magically transport you to different locations. Where Human Head's Prey took you for a wacky ride through these portals, Valve's title equips you with a sterile looking gun and urges you to make your own entry and exit points with wild abandon. The trailer (embedded in the second part of the post) aptly demonstrates the powers of the portal gun, the dangers of getting caught in an infinite loop and, of course, how using rampant teleportation can enable you to solve puzzles involving crates of some kind. As they say, hilarity ensues.[Thanks Easy_G!]

  • Team Fortress 2 artwork revealed

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Yesterday we reported that Half-Life 2 was coming to PS3 and Xbox 360 with some added content, including a revamped Team Fortress 2. Today we got the first glimpse of the new, cartoony style of the long-in-development squad-based shooter. Click on the image to view the full size banner. What do you think of the new style?

  • Half-Life 2 confirmed for Xbox 360, PS3

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Speaking at EA's annual summer press event, Valve's Gabe Newell revealed that Half-Life 2 would be headed to the Xbox 360 and PS3, bolstered with extra content and presumably, plenty of opportunities to kill people with high velocity toilets. The full console package will be comprised of Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two, Team Fortress 2 (it still exists!) and an entirely new title, Portal. According to Gamespot, Team Fortress 2 now sports a cartoonish art style and a 60's spy feel akin to that of Monolith's No One Lives Forever -- certainly a description you'd never expect to be about a game from Valve. The developer is also trying new things with Portal, which incorporates a rather imaginative gun and encourages you to blast Prey-like portals into floors and walls for all manner of object shifting, puzzle solving hijinx. The console versions of Half-Life 2 (along with all the extra goodies) are expected to launch alongside the PC game's second episodic expansion. Barring unforeseen code thefts and other delays, that means they'll be out by the end of the year. [Thanks Easy_G and icemorebutts!] Previously: Internet survey lists Half-Life 2 for Xbox 360

  • Internet survey lists Half-Life 2 for Xbox 360

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    A recent survey (see above), conducted by Penn, Shoen, and Berlan Association Inc., included Half-Life 2 in a list of "soon to be released games for Xbox 360." While this is in no way official confirmation that a port is in the works, it's the second time we've seen Half-Life 2 for Xbox 360 listed -- EB Games & GameStop did it back in May.While Valve continues to remain tight-lipped, a Half-Life 2 port that includes multiplayer and expansion capabilities is the obvious candidate for the company's confirmed Xbox 360 project. That's not to say we wouldn't prefer a wholly original title instead; but, seeing as how it took Valve five years to craft the initial version of Half-Life 2, perhaps it's in the company's best interests to continue to milk the title for all its worth. After all, a game as superb as Half-Life 2 deserves proper console treatment -- that Xbox version just didn't cut it.

  • Valve gets all Big Brother with HL2:E1 stats

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Valve has been using their episodic superstar, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, to pry into the private lives of gamers everywhere. Hey, 19.05% of gamers who played through HL2:E1 on Easy! Yeah, Valve's got your number, n00b. All that 5 hours to beat it stuff? Bzzzt! Looks like most of us (especially the aforementioned 19.05%) are breezing through it in the 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 hour range. (Note: the "Average completion time" is 5 hours exact due to some stragglers beefing that number up ... c'mon, 10 hours?)Actually, according to Valve, "Episode 1 ... includes a reporting mechanism which tells us details about how people are playing the game. We're sharing the data we collect because we think people will find it interesting, and because we expect to spot emergent problems earlier, and ultimately build better products and experiences as a result."Pretty cool stuff that supports one of the foundational tenets of the episodic manifesto: that they're already working on tweaking future episodes based on feedback, both automated and submitted. So, you've already played through Episode 1, what say ye, episodic gamer?[Update: corrected the percentages; apparently, nearly one out of five Episode One'rs did the deed on Easy while 6.69% played through on Hard -- some didn't even know it! Thanks for the numbers, Jon.]

  • HL2: E1 for $8 means you have to buy it

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    One of the primary tenets of episodic distribution is a lower price for a shorter game. In the case of Half-Life 2: Episode One that means $20 for about 5 or so hours of Gravity Gun-wielding fun. Err, rather, that meant $20 for 5 hours but, if you cash in on the current promotion at retailing box-store Circuit City, you'll nab it for the low, low price of $8! That's like $1.60/hour if you're good. If you suck, you're talking about a pretty phenomenal dollar to hour investment. The jig is up June 17th, and it isn't available online, so you best get going before the eBayers start grabbing em all. Indeed, at this stage in their evolution, they can smell a deal; their senses are acutely tuned to major retail discounts. For anyone who's already purchased a copy, don't feel bad ... cause you got to play yours earlier, right? Alright, you can feel bad.[Thanks, Andy; via Insane Central]

  • Metareview - Half-Life 2: Episode One

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    With the advent of Microsoft's Xbox Live Marketplace and other digital download services, developers now have multiple avenues for extending our favorite franchises beyond the core games. Many of our readers have commented favorably on the industry's shift toward episodic content, as it provides inexpensive and more frequent opportunities to engage your game of choice. However, in a world of blogs, podcasts, and easily digestible content, thin isn't always in. Gamers still expect a lot of bang for their gaming buck.So what does $20 get you for Half-Life 2: Episode 1? Valve had a tough act to follow in the bestselling HL2, with considerably less time than the six years they used to produce what many consider the best shooter of all time. As a result, you'll see a great deal of familiar territory in Episode One, but with some new gameplay twists in the aftermath of City 17. The critics weigh in: EuroGamer (90/100) enjoyed this "fat-free" installment: "Set across five contrasting chapters, it's a wonderfully balanced affair that rarely dwells on one element too long. The focus on action and combat is sensibly weighted, there are no vehicle sections at all, no time-wasting exploration required, and a more satisfyingly logical approach to puzzles. All round, the gameplay feels tighter and more refined." GameSpot (87/100) appreciated Alyx's brains and brawn: "There's a wonderful new team dynamic at work in Episode One, thanks to the fact that Alyx battles alongside you throughout most of the episode. It's refreshing to have a companion by your side...and she's often the difference between victory and defeat in many encounters, as she'll cover your back while you're busy trying to sort out the puzzle." IGN (85/100) was looking for more of HL2's "wow" factor: "There's a long list of neat things that HL2 did, and Episode One doesn't feel as fresh as a result, since it largely reuses previous content, and it doesn't advance the story as much as a four-hour experience should." See also: Half-Life 2: Episodes Two and Three confirmed

  • Half-Life 2: Episode Two trailer; Alyx is hurt!

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    A clever h4xx0r has managed to extract the trailer for Half-Life 2: Episode Two from the recently released first episode. Notable points of the trailer: zOMG Alyx dies?! New baddie! An extemely potent looking and fast moving tripod. A voiceover by Dr. Eli Vance which goes as follows: "we're done running. This is our chance to take back out world, we're not going to lose it a second time." Episode Two should hopefully be out by the end of this year.

  • Half-Life 2: Episode One now playable

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Valve has opened the virtual doors to Half-Life 2: Episode One: that's right, the first episode of the new series that follows the aftermath of Half-Life 2 is now playable on Steam. Rumors suggesting that the game would be pushed back until June 30th have fortunately turned out to be false. Up until now, pretty much all we knew about the plot of Episode One was a mysterious little blurb found on the official site that says "in Half-Life, the G-Man made you. In Half-Life 2, he used you to defeat Dr. Breen and start the Resistance. In Episode One, he's lost control." So, loyal Joystiq readers, get to it! We want to hear first impressions of the storyline, graphics and, most importantly, whether or not the G-man's immaculate suit has been torn as a result of him "losing control".

  • Half-Life 2 for Xbox 360 could be in the works

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Recently erected EB Games and Gamestop listings of Half-Life 2 for Xbox 360 have ignited rumors that Valve's acclaimed sequel is again headed to a Microsoft console. Despite a somewhat stripped-down version of the game being released for Xbox last November, an Xbox 360 version would presumably include added features akin to the upcoming PC 'Platinum' edition (also scheduled for February 2007), which is said to contain Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, Counter-Strike: Source, and Day of Defeat: Source. In addition, Valve could use the Xbox Live service to deliver the long awaited expansion episodes*, just as we speculated back in April.In responding to the listings, Valve would not confirm the project, stating, "We've only announced development for 360. No specific titles to reveal just yet, but folks can expect to hear more before the end of this year." *See: Half-Life 2: Episode 1 set for June release; Half-Life 2: Episodes Two and Three confirmed

  • Half-Life 2: Episodes Two and Three confirmed

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    As we wait patiently for next week's release of Half-Life 2: Episode One, Valve has confirmed that Episode Two will ship by the end of the year, and will be the subject of a sneak peek included with the first expansion. Meanwhile, Episode Three is already in development and has been confirmed for a late 2007 release. How many of you have purchased SiN Episodes: Emergence, or BioWare's Neverwinter Nights premium modules? What other franchises would you like to see deliver episodic content? See also: HL2: Episode One site is up, with plot details, Half-Life 2 storyline cheat sheet

  • HL2 plushie know, for kids

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    I'm not sure how many little kids are gonna be trading in their raggedy teddy-bears for Valve's official plushie headcrab, but I do know one grown man-child who is seriously considering plunking down the relatively steep $25 asking price. C'mon, for that price you could get Half-Life: Episode One and have enough left over to pick up an authentic crowbar, for that real Gordon Freeman experience.We all know these are gonna sell like crazy...question is, how many people are gonna be lazy and just name it Lamarr? How about Hedy? The name's Hedley!Click the "Continue" link to check out some additional pictures of Valve's plushie cuddlies.[Thanks, Muskie, Alex, and mofomojo]

  • Valve planning something for Xbox 360...episodic?

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Valve announced today development of future game releases for Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, with the first (unnamed) title "coming soon." Valve's Gabe Newell said, "The combination of Source and the 360 provides game designers the chance to create powerful entertainment experiences...Whether developing a traditional FPS, RTS, RPG or delving into new genres, the Xbox 360 is a great platform for expanding Source and our game experiences.”Of course there is no mention of what this mystery title is, as they're undoubtedly saving the big reveal for E3. But what could it be? We know Microsoft is interested in episodic distribution (Peter Moore told me so himself) and that Ritual is interested in bringing their Source-based SiN Episodes to the 360 (they've said so), so it seems a reasonable assumption that Valve could be bringing the episodic efforts of SiN and Half-Life 2 to the 360 platform, with Microsoft making the big announcement at E3. What say you Joystiqers?[Thanks, Nate, Jeremy, and Crimson]

  • Half-Life 2 storyline cheat sheet

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Once Half-Life 2: Episode One rolls around this June, there may be plenty of gamers scratching their heads, getting their Citadels confused with their City 17s; their Black Mesas confused with their Wallace Breens; and don't forget about the G-Man. Who the eff is that guy?If you've been unfortunate enough to play neither Half-Life nor Half-Life 2, you may want to avoid Chan Karunamuni's thorough timeline of the Half-Life epic thus far. If you have played them, you'll want to freshen up before Episode One drops, which is sure to bring levels of Lost-like confusion to each installment. Pop quiz: Who "unknowingly helped the Combine campaign by launching a Lambda satellite into space?"[Via digg]

  • Gamers resurrect imploded pop stars

    Vladimir Cole
    Vladimir Cole

    What is it about Michael Jackson and machinima? After stumbling across this clever video set in Counter-Strike, I ran a couple of searches. This rabbit-hole goes deep. There's plenty of MJ to be found in World of Warcraft videos (Beat It, Billy Jean) which is unsurprising considering that the entire male population of night elves appears to have summered at Neverland ranch in their youth (this would explain many of their pathological in-game tendencies, but that's a whole 'nother rabbit hole). Many of the night-elf dance moves are lifted from the King of Pop's library of signature jigs, including the pelvic thrust and twirly-hand-leg-kick thing. Even denizens of Second Life appear to be thrilled by the opportunity to relive the days when Jacko only pretended to be ghoulish. Through machinima, fans of celebs who have dashed their careers against the treacherous reefs of fame can now travel back to the future. Fans can return to a time when their idols still had something worth worshipping. It's a form of therapy.

  • Gordon Freeman goes to Boot Camp on a Mac

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Consider this a followup to our earlier post about Half-Life 2 running on an Intel Mac hacked to dual boot both Mac OS X and Windows. Now, with Apple's Boot Camp software and the official drivers bundled therein, Macs can not only run PC games (like Half-Life 2) in Windows, but can run them "shockingly well."The test computer -- an Intel-based iMac, with an ATi Mobility Radeon X1600 graphics chip -- does indeed appear to run Half-Life 2 swimmingly. If the embedded YouTube version is acting up, be sure to check out the higher quality Quicktime version on Cabel's site.[Thanks, kevan]

  • HL2: Episode One site is up, with plot details

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Following in the footsteps of fellow Source-based, Steam-distributed episodic title SiN's announcement earlier this week, the website for Half-Life 2: Episode One is now live. Featuring the obligatory media page, the obligatory overview, and the obligatory release information. The site details a June 1st retail and Steam release; the Steam version will be available for pre-load on May 1st with a 10% discount for pre-purchases.What is interesting here is the plot synopsis, a sort of "previously on Half-Life 2" refresher course on the twists and turns of the story. As episodic games accrue the same complicated (or convoluted, if you're the cynical type) narratives that define television shows like Lost or 24, you can expect to see more of these updates, whether in-game or online. The "Story So Far" describes the aftermath of HL2, and the setting for Episode One, this way: Consciousness returns. Gordon and Alyx discover they've somehow escaped both the reactor explosion and the G-Man's malevolent grasp. Before they can ponder their miraculous survival, the crippled Citadel lurches back to life just long enough to initiate a self-destruct sequence. With Alyx at his side, Gordon must flee a city in chaos before the Citadel's final detonation turns City 17 into a toxic, mutant-infested crater.[Thanks,  AndrewNeo]