

  • The Mog Log: A bucket list before 2.0

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Doom approaches Eorzea. It's nice to think that we as players won a temporary victory and a brief respite from that oncoming destruction, but let's face it: We all know from trailers and outside sources that it's just a momentary win. Cities will burn, lands will be razed, and the best we can hope for is that when we emerge once more, the world is a better place. Final Fantasy XIV is getting a lot of upgrades in version 2.0, but a whole lot of the game is going to be flushed away first. How long do we have? The rest of the month, certainly. Most of September, probably. More than that? Dubious. So it's time to start making a bucket list for Eorzea-that-is before it becomes Eorzea-that-was, since we all know that a lot of things are changing by then. I'm not talking about finishing out the storyline missions; if you haven't already done that, then odds are you're not too concerned about doing so. I'm talking about the things you need to do in order to prepare for the end, stuff that you should start knuckling down and doing. Maybe some of it won't be necessary after all, but it's better to assume that the clock is running for you to take a last look.