

  • Let GLaDOS guide you to your destination, you monster

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    She's certainly not the first celebrity to do some voice work for the GPS industry, but she's by far the coolest. Joining the likes of Snoop Dogg, Homer Simpson and Yoda is GLaDOS, available in a new fan-made custom voice pack over on Reddit. It's a zip file with a bunch of wav files in it, compatible with Garmin Nuvi units -- the files should also work with Garmin Mobile XT units -- and is available as a free download to everyone who wants to be berated by an artificial intelligence while hunting down the closest Burger King. Don't say we didn't warn you!

  • TomTom strikes back with Darth Vader voice pack (video)

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We guess TomTom was listening when we said it had to respond to Nokia's Own Voice app for custom turn-by-turn navigation instructions, as the Dutch company has announced a new Darth Vader voice pack. Following in the footsteps of such luminaries as Homer Simpson and Burt Reynolds, the Sith Lord has contributed his vocal stylings to the cause of guiding the lost and confused down the right path. Though it wasn't without hiccups -- check out the video after the break for the recording session -- the pack is now complete and ready for download, provided you have $13 handy to smooth the transaction. Yoda, C3PO and Han Solo packs are set to follow in the coming months. May the farce be with you.