

  • Interview: WayForward's Voldi Way talks blobs, Shantae, and street cred

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Voldi Way, president of WayForward -- or "Tyrannical Overlord" of the company, if his business card is to be believed -- gave us one of the company's first interviews as a "publisher," having recently self-published downloadable games on DS (Mighty Flip Champs) and WiiWare (LIT). During this E3 interview, Way told us that the company has at least three new unannounced projects, two of which are coming this year on Wii, and one also headed for PC. He also addressed the purported Aliens vs. Predator DS game and discussed the company's licensed game strategy, about which we may have accidentally given him a complex.

  • Rumor: Shantae on Wii Ware?

    Chris Greenhough
    Chris Greenhough

    Back in December, Contra 4 developer WayForward asked the entire internet for its thoughts on a new Shantae game. Smelling an opportunity to help play a part in reviving a fantastic franchise, we shamelessly begged readers of DS Fanboy to vote for a sequel on the DS. Being the magnificent people they are, they lent us their clicking fingers!Alas, it now looks as though our efforts were in vain, but there's no need to be glum, folks. WayForward founder Voldi Way told Siliconera that the next Shantae game was being considered for Wii Ware.Sure, that makes it a lot less likely to be the 2D Shantae that we really, really want but hey, it's Shantae, and it's on a Nintendo system. We'll gladly take it!