

  • Don't call it a comeback: 'Where's Waldo?' game in production

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Canadian developer Ludia announced today that it will create games based on the Where's Waldo? book series. The first game by the company, Where's Waldo? The Fantastic Journey, will release on consoles, PC/Mac, iPhone and iPod touch. The game is slated for Q3 of this year and we're desperately trying to get our hands on some screen shots -- just so we can find Waldo in them.Waldo hasn't been working the video game circuit for quite some time -- although he does have an online presence. He had some PC outings in the mid-'90s, but his most recent console adventures appear to be a couple of laughable NES and Super NES games from the early '90s. The new game will have players finding several objects beyond the titled protagonist, with up to four players working cooperatively or competitively. At least today's gaming hardware should be able to render the mess that is one of the Where's Waldo? pictures.

  • Countdown to Burning Crusade: Day 9 winner

    Barb Dybwad
    Barb Dybwad

    We have our winner from the day 9 Photoshop contest. You were tasked with working your magic on this image (thanks to Basem for the screenshot!), and reader Pulse is going to take home the prize for the above "Where's Waldo?" image (click for a full-size version). Grats to Pulse, who will be the recipient of a copy of The Art of World of Warcraft. Don't forget, the Countdown to Burning Crusade isn't over yet-- you've still got until midnight EST tonight to get us your fan art, and til noon tomorrow EST to get your machinima contest entries in for a chance to win a Sennheiser PC 160 headset and a More Dots! t-shirt, and a Logitech G15 keyboard and World of Warcraft hoodie, respectively!