

  • Warcraft Movie Rumors: Khadgar and Medivh?

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    According to website Bleeding Cool, there are some new rumors about the upcoming Warcraft film -- specifically, what the story of the film will be about. Many people have been speculating as to the content of the movie, which is titled Warcraft -- not World of Warcraft -- and therefore could involve ... well, just about anything in the Warcraft canon, or an entirely new story we'd never before seen. Once thing was certain -- the story, whatever it is, is going to be something suitably epic. But according to Bleeding Cool, that story may be far more familiar than we'd previously thought. Rumor has it that the main character will be none other than Khadgar, and the story itself will revolve around his experiences with Medivh. Also supposedly set to appear in the film are Anduin Lothar, along with mention of "the King and his Lady." I'm assuming, judging from the other characters, that we're speaking of King Llane here. Keep in mind that this is all firmly rumor, and none of this has been confirmed by anyone actually working on the film. However, I don't know about you guys but I'd be perfectly happy with a film that went back to the high-fantasy days of Medivh and the First War -- seeing Lothar on the big screen sounds like a wonderful time to me. Check out Bleeding Cool for the full synopsis, as well as rumored actors for the film -- Johnny Depp, anyone?