

  • Reminder: Log in to your alts after launch for rested XP

    Adam Koebel
    Adam Koebel

    The prospect of having multiple garrisons has made me eager to level up alts earlier than I would have in previous expansions. That means I'll want my alts earning rested XP as soon as possible. Rested XP isn't something that happens automatically when Blizzard flips the Warlords of Draenor switch tonight. As with previous expansions, your characters will not start accruing rested XP until you log in with them post-launch. It can be an easy thing to forget when you're focused on getting your main to level 100, but it's definitely worth taking a moment to cycle through all of your alts. Just make sure they're parked in a city or inn. Don't go on vacation for a week and leave your character parked in the middle of Desolace like the author of this post.

  • Warlords of Draenor: Tanaan Jungle introduction

    Anne Stickney
    Anne Stickney

    Warlords of Draenor begins in a different kind of way than any expansion prior. All players, including newly-boosted level 90's, play through the same short introductory experience. This sequence serves a few different purposes -- partially to ease newly boosted 90's into their abilities, partially to purposefully get players from Azeroth to Draenor, and partially to introduce some of the key players we'll be seeing on Draenor itself, as the expansion progresses. While I'm not about to spoil everything under the sun in regards to this experience, I did want to review Tanaan as it stands so far on the beta. The latest beta build has fixed many missing textures, as well as adding some new ones -- but the story has by and large stayed exactly the same. So what's it like, playing through this experience? Read on to find out -- and if you'd just like some idea of what the Tanaan experience looks like, check out the included gallery. Please note: Both the gallery and the following post will contain some spoilers for Warlords of Draenor. If you're avoiding spoilers, don't click!

  • Warlords of Draenor: Low level Battlegrounds to drop dungeon-style satchels

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    Senior PvP Designer Brian Holinka tweeted something yesterday that will be music to the ears of any player who wants to level via PvP. @AllTheTonberrie That's the plan for warlords because @nite_moogle is awesome - Holinka (@holinka) March 19, 2014 Leveling via PvP is a hard-fought battle in WoW, XP gains are unpredictable, and unless you're using heirlooms you risk falling behind in gear gains and gold gains. So this change, put in place by Reward Systems Designer Russ Petersen, allows those players to keep up with their PvE-ing counterparts. It's fantastic news! I'd love to see some improvement to XP gains from battlegrounds, too. And let's not forget that Holinka has previously hinted at Skirmishes being potentially available for leveling, which would be an incredible change. Certainly, the rewards would need to be ironed out, but that they're even thinking about it gives me hope for PvP leveling becoming something that more than just the dedicated or foolhardy undertake.