

  • Engadget wins the People's Voice Webby in Consumer Electronics, and you can win a Droid Incredible!

    Hey, would you look at that -- we done won ourselves an award! And not just any award, but the People's Choice Webby Award in Consumer Electronics, which is doubly special to us since it was voted on by the general public. Obviously we're pretty happy about the win, but we're even happier to have such great readers like all of you -- Engadget editors work pretty hard, but you're the ones who make our site what it is. So by way of celebration, we're giving away a Droid Incredible, courtesy of Verizon Wireless, and 10 lucky runner-ups will get spiffy new Engadget T-shirts! All you have to do is leave a comment to tell us how happy you are, and you'll be entered to win. The full instructions and typical rules can be found after the break. Good luck!

    Nilay Patel