

  • Recommended Reading: Snapchat celebs and the birth of Auto-Tune

    Billy Steele
    Billy Steele

    Recommended Reading highlights the best long-form writing on technology and more in print and on the web. Some weeks, you'll also find short reviews of books that we think are worth your time. We hope you enjoy the read. Snaps To Riches: The Rise Of Snapchat Celebrities by Ellen Huet, Forbes There's no denying the popularity of the disappearing-photo prowess of Snapchat. So much so that companies are paying proven snapping pros to leverage their screen-swiping art. Brands like Taco Bell and Major League Soccer see the ephemeral content as a new way to reach a demographic that's prone to ignoring more traditional marketing. Forbes sits down with Shaun McBride, or "Shonduras" as he's know in the app, for a look at how the tactic has taken hold and how it's building celebrities through little more than trendy social sharing.