whiny classes


  • Breakfast Topic: Most Whiny Class

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    The hunters seem very angry. Their new Burning Crusade talents and spells have not been revealed and they feel a little slighted. Does this make them the most whiny class? Well...no. Up until this point I have felt that hunters were one of the more easy going classes in the game. Or maybe I am just meeting some really mellow hunters. In my personal experience, the class that makes the most noise is druids. Granted, they have valid reasons to be annoyed. They are victim of some pretty bad itemization for their class, they get forced into a healbot role a majority of the time and their DPS and tanking skills are an afterthought. An afterthought for anyone who isn't a druid, that is. For all of these reasons I have usually found druids to be the most touchy of the classes. Then again, my best friend in WoW is a druid, so I have plenty of love for the shape-shifting tree huggers.What class do you find to be the most needy? Which one is the first to complain, and who does it the loudest?