windtop ae1900


  • MSI showcases Wind Top AE1900, AE2010, AE2200 touchscreen all-in-ones

    Those sexy X-Slim X340s weren't the only computers MSI was showing off ahead of CeBIT. The company also had on display three new Wind Top all-in-one desktop computers: the 19-inch AE1900, 20-inch AE2010, and 22-inch AE2200, each with touchscreen display. As for specs, here's what we know: the AE2010's running on an AMD 780G chipset with Athlon 1.5GHz, 2GB DDR2 RAM, DVD burner, and 1600 x 1900 resolution. We also spotted an Intel logo on the AE1900's placard and Windows XP on its screen, but other than that, we're pretty much in the dark here. With the Hannover conference just around the corner, here's hoping that shroud of mystery is promptly lifted. Check out a pic of the AE1900 after the break.

    Ross Miller