

  • And I think to myself, what a wonderful preorder bonus

    Fans anticipating the release of It's a Wonderful World won't have just a limited edition DS Lite bundle to look forward to; Square Enix announced today that preordering the Shibuya-district RPG in advance of its July 27th release will also net gamers a miniature kitten to hitch onto your handheld.The feline charm mimics Pochi, a stuffed cat that plays into Shiki Misaki's (IAWW's female lead) special attacks, and also doubles as a wipe to keep your DS screens free of dust and kitty litter. Pounce past the post break for some in-game screenshots of Pochi. See also: Just about the oddest/cutest/scariest thing you will ever see More from the DS cat

    Eric Caoili
  • It's a Wonderful DS Lite

    Square Enix's Wonderful World edition DS Lite marks the first of what we're sure will be many Gloss Silver bundles to grace Japan, but will never -- absolutely never -- see an official release in the states. Set for release along with the game this June 27th, the limited edition handheld shows of the "It's a Wonderful World" logo and Tetsuya Nomura's skull badge design. Pricing for the set hasn't been announced yet, but expect to pay a king's ransom if you plan on importing.

    Eric Caoili
  • It's a Wonderful Music Sampler

    Not only did people who went to the Square Enix Party get to try a bunch of new games-- and, well, a bunch of new releases of old games-- but they also got a bounty of free promotional stuff, including the set of CDs seen above. It contains songs from the soundtracks of two Final Fantasy spinoffs for the PSP, and from It's a Wonderful World, which is more in line with our interests.The CD's have been ripped, and we've got the Wonderful World sampler available for download. It's J-poppy and synthy! Is it ever synthy.1. Twister 2. Give me all your love[Thanks, Jamal!]

    JC Fletcher
  • A new look at a Wonderful World

    It's a Wonderful World just keeps getting more wonderful, and, um, worldly. Now in addition to the graphic style, we're hyped about the gameplay! Jeux-France has posted some scans of the game in action, highlighting the touch-screen weapons system, which uses badges to assign different attacks. The attacks shown include Patrol Shot, Piercing Shot, Black Hole, Burst Shot, and Velocity Crash. All of these attacks are done with stylus gestures. The scans also state that part of the game takes place in Shibuya, making the game even more Jet Set Radio-like than we thought. We don't know how wise it is to anticipate a Square action game, but we can't help it. This looks so awesome. See for yourself after the post break.

    JC Fletcher
  • New It's a Wonderful World screens

    Some new screenshots of Square Enix's bizarre action-RPG It's a Wonderful World (Subarashiki Kono Sekai) have surfaced, and they are ... interesting! We think that this game is the best use of Tetsuya Nomura's distinctive style yet. We're actually getting something of a Jet Set Radio vibe from the near-future Tokyo/kids in baggy clothes theme, and we love getting Jet Set Radio vibes.The control scheme is pretty clearly on display here, we think-- the arrows represent commands given to the character on the top screen, while the bottom screen is stylus-driven.We're excited! Much more than we ever were about Kingdom Hearts, and not just because that's a mainly-PS2 franchise. Wonderful screens are posted after the break to test your Action-RPG Excitement Potential.

    JC Fletcher