

  • New Halloween masks point to a new playable race?

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    Here's an interesting tidbit from Scrolls of Lore, where they've dug up some files that could possibly hint at future playable races for the World of Warcraft. Remember that tidbit about Kalgan saying how Blizzard plans to "pre-seed" future playable races in the game before they actually become available? It's a different approach from the way they retconned Draenei into game.Well, the folks over at Scrolls of Lore dug up some Halloween masks that have male and female Goblins - nothing new there - but a pair of werewolf, or Worgen, masks, as well. What's the curious thing about this? Well, we've never actually seen any female Worgen in the game, have we? Right. Well, there it is. A nice, pretty, green-eyed Worgen female mask. It may or not mean anything, of course, as these are just graphic files, or skins, placed on top of in-game models. But still... remember that Greymane Wall? Ever wonder why so many Worgen are outside of it? Remember how Blizzard hinted it would open up soon? Yeah. Just sayin'.Many thanks to Tori for the tip! Also, Omacron links us to a blog stitching the faces together for a better look at the, uh, masks.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 98 with special guest Medros

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, our friend Medros of All Things Azeroth joined us on the podcast last week for an extra long show, and what we can say? There was just tons of things to talk about. Medros, Turpster, our own Lesley Smith and I answered your emails (including updates on faction changes as well as the big response we got from fans of Ensidia last week), and talked about the most popular stories from the World of Warcraft. Of course we didn't need the chat channel to remind us of the Worgen pet issue (though they reminded us anyway), we talked about Tom Chilton's interview and the chance that WoW may one day go "free to play," and we talked about Bind to Account items twice: how they'll work with faction changes in the future, and what items like the Tome of Cold Weather Flight tell us about Blizzard's plans for the future.Lots of laughs were had, and hopefully we gave out some insight as well. Enjoy the show, and we'll see you next week. I'll still be out of town, so we're not quite sure when it'll be broadcasting live yet, but stay tuned here to WoW.com -- we'll let you know as soon as we do. Or just subscribe up in iTunes, and you'll get every show sent directly to your iPod every week like clockwork. And if you do head over there, be sure to toss us a rating and/or a review -- the more you put in there, the merrier we'll be. Thanks!Get the podcast:[iTunes] Subscribe to the WoW Insider Show directly in iTunes.[RSS] Add the WoW Insider Show to your RSS aggregator.[MP3] Download the MP3 directly.Listen here on the page:

  • Scattered Shots: Raiding spec for Hunter pets

    Eddie Carrington
    Eddie Carrington

    Welcome to Scattered Shots. I am Eddie "Brigwyn" Carrington from The Hunting Lodge and you're not. Today we are reviewing what pets you should consider for raiding and how to spec out your pet for the best possible DPS. So join me will you? As we explore what it takes to make a raiding pet.This past week has been an interesting one for Hunters and their pets. If you were like me, finding out that Hunters could tame Garwal's Worgen form, reminded you of why being a Hunter is truly awesome. Of course it would last and Zyrhym showed up and had to burst our bubble by delivering the bad news that Blizzard was removing them from the game. Well, it was fun while it lasted.What was nice about this glitch was the passionate responses seen on the Official Forums and Hunter community at large. It really highlighted how much we Hunters love our pets. Many of us see them more as companions than just some other weapon in our Hunter bag of tricks.One way Blizzard has helped foster this idea is by letting us have three different categories (Ferocity, Tenacity, and Cunning) and literally hundreds of different pets to go out and tame. But to me the best part is being able to not only tame my pet of choice, but having the ability to train him. Doing this makes Hunters and their pets a combination as epic as Nutella and Pancakes.When you set out to tame your pet, make sure and match your need with the correct category. For pure DPS you have Ferocity. Need a tanking or good solo pet? Get a Tenacity one. And if you are in a PvP situation and want to make sure someone has your back no matter what? You could try a Cunning pet. With dual specs and Call Stabled Pet you can now match up your spec with the right pet and further enhance your status as the Supreme Hunter! Let's take a moment and talk about Ferocity Pets and raiding specs, alright?

  • WoW Insider Show with Medros of All Things Azeroth live tonight

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We're doing the podcast at a special time this week, so if you can't usually tune in to us on Saturdays at 3:30 Eastern, now's your chance to catch a live show. Tonight at 6pm Eastern, we'll be live over on the Ustream page, and our special guest will be none other than Medros, of the All Things Azeroth podcast. He's the second in our ongoing series of guests from around the community -- Michelle Madison of Warcraft Outsiders, you'll remember, was on a few weeks ago, and we're planning on having more podcasters and bloggers on with us in the coming weeks as well. Medros will join Lesley Smith, Turpster, and I in discussing the biggest news of the past week, including those Worgen pets you may have seen around the game, what Tom Chilton said about the future of World of Warcraft, the upcoming changes to Northrend flying. And if things work out as planned, we might even be able to get a live report straight from the PTR about how testing of the Crusaders' Coliseum is going.Should be a great time for sure. Tune in tonight on our Ustream page. It all starts off at July 9, 2009 6:00 PM EDTvar date_span = document.getElementById("date"); var date = new Date(date_span.innerHTML); var monthname=new Array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug", "Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"); var weekday=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday", "Friday","Saturday"); var year = date.getFullYear(); var day_of_month = date.getDate(); var month = monthname[date.getMonth()]; var day = weekday[date.getDay()]; var hour = date.getHours(); if (hour > 11) { if (hour > 12) {hour -= 12} am_pm = "PM"; } else { am_pm = "AM"; } var minute = date.getMinutes(); if (minute < 10) { minute = "0"+minute; } date_string = day + ", " + month + " " + day_of_month; date_string += " at " + hour + ":" + minute + " " + am_pm; offset = -date.getTimezoneOffset()/60; if (offset >= 0) { offset = "+"+offset; } date_string += " in your time zone (GMT"+offset+")"; date_span.innerHTML = (date_string); , so you can head there or just hit the link below to find an embedded version of the stream after the break. And while we'll be chatting live as usual during the show, you can always send us a note about something you hear or something you'd like us to talk about at theshow@wow.com. We'll see you tonight!

  • The best of WoW.com: June 30 - July 7, 2009

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A cataclysmic week over at Joystiq's sister site WoW.com -- Blizzard has trademarked the "Cataclysm" name, but for what, we're not quite sure yet. The next expansion seems likely, though the next-gen MMO needs a name as well, or maybe it's a brand new project. Whatever it is, we'll likely find out at BlizzCon this year -- there's a cataclysm a'comin'. News Hunters discover "new" Worgen petA glitch in the game lets you "tame" a humanoid Wolfman to attack and fight for you. Good times! Blizzard files trademark for "Cataclysm"A series of trademarks hints that the next WoW expansion might be named Cataclysm. Faction changes coming to the World of WarcraftBlizzard announces that, sometime in the future, you'll be able to change from Horde to Alliance and vice versa. Faction changes Q&AA short series of questions and answers about the upcoming faction change mechanic. China's gold farming ban not really a banA followup to the "ban on gold farming" in China shows that the legislation isn't quite what we thought it was. Features Guildwatch: Paydirt in the drama mineOur weekly column of guild hijinx and achievements has all the drama, downed, and recruiting news you'd ever want. The Queue: You are slightly more prepared than you wereYou ask us some questions, and we deliver you some answers. Arcane Brilliance: Living Bomb on the patch 3.2 PTR is awesomeOur Mage blogger is a little excited about upcoming changes to his talents. Why won't Blizzard let me change my race?You'll be able to change your faction soon, but you still won't be able to change your ingame race. Blizzard's Tier 9 previewGet a pictoral look at the next series of Tier armor going into the game.

  • Worgen Garwal hotfixed, now untamable

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Our tip lines have been buzzing recently with news about a tameable Worgen. If you haven't been paying attention, in short, Garwal (a quest NPC that starts as a wolf, but turns into a Worgen) could be tamed as a Worgen if you get your timing right, and then you'd have a very unusual pet following you around. Note that I say "could be tamed," not "can": apparently Blizzard has hotfixed the NPC so that he can no longer be tamed, stating that they never intended players to have a humanoid pet. Players who have already tamed Garwal will find that they have no talents or abilities for him, nor can they feed or buff him rendering him effectively useless except as a vanity pet. I would expect him to be removed even as a vanity pet soon.

  • Hunters discover "new" Worgen pet

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    As the holiday weekend rolled around, we started to get a number of tips that Hunters were successfully training themselves a...Worgen pet? Worgen?!? How was this level of cool allowed into the game without anyone knowing about it until now? Well, it turns out that the Worgen pet is in fact a very clever use of game mechanics somewhat akin to those used by Hunters in order to tame the (now sadly vanished) Grimtotem Spirit Guide. Garwal, a warg NPC in northern Howling Fjord who can turn into a Worgen as part of a questline (the link is the Horde version, but it's the same for both Horde and Alliance) can actually be tamed and kept in Worgen form if the timing is right. Mania's Arcania has a look at the process used here, which involves a little math, a little guesswork, and the strategic use of Wyvern Sting.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: The Borean Tundra, Paladin spells, and more

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Ask a Beta Tester! We're not going to waste any time today, and just jump in feet first with Jerematic's question...Are there any other world PvP objectives, beyond Wintergrasp?There aren't any objectives as far as things you can capture, no, not really. However, there are little PvP areas in certain zones. For example, there are PvP quests in Grizzly Hills. You take the quest, you are PvP flagged as long as you have the quest, and you have to complete it in a nearby area. In the Grizzly Hills example here, the Horde and the Alliance are duking it out in a massive logging camp that they've chased the Venture Co. away from. Have you ever wanted to ride down a river on the back of a huge log? Wrath'll do it for ya.Chalios asked...I'm a prot pally and I was wondering that since Blessings of Kings is going to be 2% stat increase base with an extra 8% on the improved version, will Greater Blessings of Kings start off with 2% as well at base and scale with the improved version or will it still be 10% and provide me with an extra 4 talent points?The Greater Blessing will work the same way regular ol' Blessing of Kings works in Wrath. 2% per talent point. You don't get to skip out on spending 4 talent points.

  • Ask a Lore Nerd: Orc plus demon blood equals hero

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Ask a Lore Nerd, the column that answers your questions about the story and lore of the Warcraft universe. Click the Comments link below (or e-mail us!), ask your question, and blogger/columnist Alex Ziebart will answer you in a future installment!Mizunie asks a couple of questions...On the WotLK website, the designers talk about the "Scarlet Onslaught." Who are they and where did they come from?The Scarlet Onslaught is the refounding of the Scarlet Crusade. Sometime after the events in Stratholme, Abbendis has taken complete command of the Crusade with a new band of lackies. She believes the Light has beckoned her to Northrend, so she rounds up every Crusader she has left and loads them on boats under the flag of the Scarlet Onslaught. There's other details to accompany this in Wrath, but they're way too cool for me to spoil this early.Do we know anything on good ol' Deathwing?Nope, not yet. I haven't seen much yet. It's possible we'll learn more in the Chamber of the Aspects raid zone coming in Wrath. It's been revealed that a Black Dragon is the boss inside there, though we don't know the details surrounding it yet.

  • Friendly faces in the frozen north

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    As was pointed out yesterday, quite a few old faces are returning in Wrath of the Lich King. The Scarlet Crusade, The Venture Company, Arugal, etc. Most of them make sense in the context of the events in Northrend, but on the other hand, a couple of them might be inspired by pure fan service. That's totally okay, don't get me wrong. I loves me some fan service. If simple worgen love is what brought back Arugal, I most certainly will not complain.Let's pretend for a moment that we could bring back any lore character for Wrath of the Lich King. Blizzard just walks up to you and says, "Hey, who do you want to see in Wrath?" They can be dead or alive, a major character or a minor NPC, whatever you want. If you could do that, who would it be?My choice would be Justinius the Harbinger. Bring him to Northrend to kick in the Wrath Gate guarding Icecrown with his tauren friend Melgromm Highmountain. If you don't know who Justinius is, he's the super-awesome Draenei Paladin fighting the Burning Legion at the Stairs of Destiny, just beyond the Dark Portal. He looks quite awesome in his Judgement Armor, plus he's an all around cool guy. Just go watch him in action for a few minutes. He doesn't take crap from any demon.

  • An interview with J. Allen Brack

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Here's one more tidbit of WoTLK information for you, courtesy of Gamespy. They sat down for an interview with co-lead design J. Allen Brack. Most of the information is stuff we've heard in the past or have already posted on in this morning's massive flurry, but it's always nice to get a peek into the brain of the folks who bring us this amazing game. Among some of the things discussed by J. Allen Brack and Gamespy: