

  • Should you be playing a warlock?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We've said before that there's a WoW class for every type of player and if you find yourself a bit drawn to the darker side of WoW, perhaps warlock is the one for you. Warlocks have a unique playstyle in the game: they're a bit like mages, in that they're cloth-wearing casters, and a bit like hunters, in that they rely on pets. And yet they don't play very much like either class, relying on DoT (damage over time) spells and channeled spells to do damage and restore their own health and mana. So is it time to go over to the dark side and level a warlock? Let's look at what the class has to offer. Just what is a warlock? As mages are master of the arcane, warlocks are masters of the dark arts, focusing on shadow and fire spells. They summon demonic minions, place curses on their enemies, and drain health from their opponents, and can even send the most fearsome of warriors running in terror. Their abilities are powered not only by their mana pool, but will sometimes cost health, which warlocks can drain from their foes as they die. They do their damage at range, using curses, banes, DoTs, drains, AoEs, and direct damage spells. Warlocks also offer a good amount of utility to a group with conjured Healthstones (which restore health on use) and Soulstones (which can bring a dead player to life) as well as their curses (which cause a variety of negative effects on a monster).

  • Getting started made easy with our Rookie Guide

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    With all of the late and end-game content we talk about daily, we have to admit that browsing WoW Insider isn't necessarily a newbie-friendly experience. That doesn't mean we want to leave new players out, but it can be challenging to find new player content mixed in with all the rest. So if you're just getting started with the game -- or you're trying to get a friend into it -- you ought to check out our newly-updated Rookie Guide. Here, we've compiled all of our best content for new players -- from what World of Warcraft is to player etiquette to breaking into PvP to getting started with dungeons and raids. So what are you waiting for? Check out the Rookie Guide and start your adventures in Azeroth!

  • The Daily Quest: We were all newbies once

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Here at we're on a Daily Quest (which we try to do every day, honest) to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Is there a story out there we ought to link or a blog we should be following? Just leave us a comment and you may see it here tomorrow! We may be pros at the game now, but once upon a time, we were just getting started, too. Let us not look down on our newbie friends -- for we were once the same. Instead, today's daily quest strives to offer advice for the new players among us. Tree Burglar's Elder blogging event challenges bloggers around Azeroth to offer their advice to the new player. Light & Leafy, The Angry Dwarfs, A Healadin's Tear, Stories of WoW, and World of Warcraft Philosophized wrote up some great advice applicable to newbies of all shapes and sizes. (And, of course, you can check out Blog Azeroth for even more.) Restokin discusses rotation basics for the new Moonkin. Alterac Volley offers ten tips for leveling quickly. Can Tank, Will Travel wonders if today's well-informed newbie is the same as the newbie of yesteryear.