

  • Play WoW with a PS3 controller

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    We all know Blizzard hasn't exactly been a fan of consoles and that our favorite game isn't likely to arrive in console form anytime soon, but reader Spazzer showed us how he plays World of Warcraft with a PlayStation 3 controller. Spazzer attached his PS3 controller to his MacBook Pro and hooked up his laptop to the TV, which he says is "effectively the same as playing on a PS3." So it's not exactly playing on a PS3 but it also sorta kinda is. Spazzer points Mac users in the direction of two freely downloadable programs to play WoW console-style -- an obscure driver for the PS3 controller and a game pad emulator to help with all the key bindings. When Blizzard game designer Jonathan LeCraft was interviewed last year, he stressed that "you really do need a keyboard to play WoW". It seems like someone seems to have already sidestepped that limitation using readily available tools, and Spazzer points out that resourceful Windows users will easily be able to replicate the same trick. Could this herald a new era for WoW or console gaming? Or, uh, just a bunch of free HKs?