

  • A WoW marriage proposal

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    We love a cute story here at WoW Insider, it warms the cockles of our blackened hearts. And this is a story that ranks pretty high on the cuteness scale. Philmardde of Shadow Council tells the story on the official forums, explaining how they logged into WoW one day to find a new set of five characters on a server she never played on. On looking at the server, they saw what you see in the header image, five characters spelling out "Will You Marry Me Questionmark" in the character panel! As writers, we'd just like to point out that we particularly enjoy the inclusion of Questionmark, the warrior. He makes it a complete sentence, you see. While, yes, this technically does break the terms of service, it is really incredibly cute, and we're happy to report that, as explained on the forums, Philmardde said yes! Congratulations to Philmardde, and the guy who dreamt up this adorable proposal. Have you heard of any cute in-game proposals yourself? Ever been to an in-game wedding? Or a WoW-themed one? Or can you dream up an adorable way to propose in-game? [Thanks for the tip, johng228!]