

  • The Queue: Wherein Alex renames himself Nostradamus

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW.com's daily Q&A column where the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Alex Ziebart will be your host today.After a year of writing this thing, I've run out of quirky ways to introduce this thing that don't reek of veiled desperation. So screw the veil. Along with your question in today's edition of The Queue, I want you to write an introduction for the next edition of this column that I write, which will be the day after tomorrow. I will pick the best of the bunch to use. Keep it clean!crusherkid asked..."I've read reports that because of the servers going down in China that World of Warcraft has dropped down to only 5 million subscribers. Is that correct?"

  • Breakfast Topic: Best Northrend zone music

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    So how many of you have been playing Wrath of the Lich King with the in-game music on? I will tell you right now, if you haven't, you are missing a whole lot. The music, instead of being a low background murmur, really comes to the forefront with bold instrumentals that speak to the scenery of the zone they're in and don't hide. It feels like the composers are using more and bigger instruments too. I don't think I've heard a piano used in WoW until Wrath, at least not to the effectiveness it's used in the Dragonblight music, while the Mountains of Thunder music is by turns mysterious, heart-rending, and majestic. Overall, while I have loved snatches and pieces of music from past WoW efforts, I can say without reservation that this complete Wrath of the Lich King soundtrack is a cut above what has come before, and enjoyable, well-crafted music in its right. My personal favorite is probably the Howling Fjord music, if only for one reason: Uilleann Pipes. I'm a sucker for them, and the music of the Howling Fjord uses them to incredible effectiveness. The stirring notes set the mood for the soaring vistas and majestics forests of the zone, as well as the struggle with the native Vykrul. Grizzly Hills comes in a close second in part because it has those same pipes being used to similar effect. What about you? Have you been listening to the new music? If so, what's your favorite music so far?