

  • Japan's 3DS Ambassador games include Metroid, Zelda 2 [update: North America too]

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Two days before the arrival of the 3DS Ambassador Program games, Nintendo of Japan has revealed the full list of ten NES (Famicom) games being released there. This could be the exact same list of games we get in North America and Europe -- all we know is that the initial five games were consistent worldwide. The five games revealed today include Metroid, Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link, Yoshi's Egg, Mario Open Golf, and Wrecking Crew. In addition to those, Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, The Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Jr., and Ice Climber will be available for free, to anyone who qualified for the Ambassador Program by taking their 3DS to the eShop on time. And, of course, these will be followed by ten GBA games. [Update: Nintendo of America tweeted the rest of the NES games coming to North America ... and it's exactly the same games!]

  • VC Tuesday: Skeleton Crew

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    After last week, we thought Nintendo might be returning to form with Virtual Console releases, at least in Japan. We didn't get our hopes up, which is good, because we would be disappointed right now otherwise. Nintendo is continuing to do their best to make people forget about the Virtual Console, with another week light on releases. Not that many games for Japan means even fewer games making it out West. We don't even really care that the games aren't Goldeneye or Earthbound or whatever. We'd all be able to find something right for us if only Nintendo would give us a selection. At least nobody's going to have to clean out their refrigerators this week.To be fair, Dungeon Explorer II does look really great, and we wouldn't mind the opportunity to play it ourselves. And Wrecking Crew is pretty good, even if it is ancient. We're sure we'll hear about it if we are, but we don't think we're being unreasonable by saying that regardless of the quality, Nintendo should be able to offer more every week. The games are already made. Wrecking Crew (Famicom, 1-2 players, 500 Wii Points) Dungeon Explorer II (PC Engine CD-ROM, 1-5 players, 800 Wii Points)