

  • Matt Kincaid/Getty Images

    Neil Young's huge online music archive opens to the public

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Neil Young has been talking up his giant online archive for ages, but he's finally ready to deliver on his promises. The veteran Canadian rocker has launched the simply-titled Neil Young Archives, a website that includes all the media he has produced to date. And we do mean everything -- every song Young has made is available to stream for free (until June 30th 2018) through his Xstream Music service, including unreleased tracks.

  • Scanpix Denmark/Nils Meilvang/via Reuters

    Neil Young prepares a giant online archive for his music

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Neil Young has come a long, long way since he dismissed streaming music services. The singer-songwriter has unveiled plans for a huge online archive of his work that, naturally, will tie into his streaming music service (Xstream Music). The focus is on a timeline that highlights his music from 1963 onward, complete with playback and a "Filing Cabinet" that offers video, memorabilia and other content attached to each song. Think of it as an album box set with very, very extensive liner notes.