Ze Frank


  • Ze Frank plays with his Wii

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Yeah, we know, making jokes about fake Wii games and "playing with my wii" innuendo is, like, so 2006. But when Ze Frank does it, it all seems so fresh and new, mainly because he does it ... oh, what's the word ... well. In between the "sophomoric ... even freshman ... ish" jokes, Ze also gets into the differences between playing with "girly" button-filled controllers and the Wii controller, which "you grab ... and you instinctively know what to do with it." Whether or not you agree with his sentiment, it's hard not to laugh when Ze makes absolutely everything about playing games seem dirty. Hey, if it works for space news, it can sure as hell work for video games. [Via VH1 Game Break]

  • Ze Frank talks video games, we laugh

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Video from internet gadabout (and host of the excellent The Show) Ze Frank's speech at the 2004 TED conference (Technology, Entertainment, Design) has been making the rounds and, despite our appreciation for performance readings of spam, it was his video game demos that we're interested in sharing with you.For starters, he throws some numbers at us (did you realize the industry makes over $100K/year?) before walking us through three games titled Atheist, Buddhist, and Christian. Think they look like fun, try em out yourselves! Check out the entire embedded video after the break, or jump directly to his segment on video games here:Watch - Ze Frank on video games at the 2004 TED conference