

  • Zero Punctuation takes on Left 4 Dead

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    As a general rule of thumb, if you really like a particular game -- and if you're easily riled -- it's a good idea not to watch the Zero Punctuation review of said game. And yet, here we are. We have something of a crush on around Fanboy Towers and it was with some trepidation that we watched Left 4 DeadZero Punctuation's review. As it turns out, Yahtzee doesn't completely dismember the game, though he doesn't outright praise it either. More or less the review outlines what most have said. The co-op is fun, the level selection is a bit limited but overall the game is well designed. The verdict: it's up to you to guage whether or not the fun to be had in Left 4 Dead is worth the price of admission.Check out the review after the break (as usual, the video contains some language that is NSFW).

  • Zero Punctuation tangles with Braid

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The latest Zero Punctuation tackles the time bending XBLA title, Braid. Yahtzee's opinion is somewhat mixed, taking note of the well designed puzzles but also noting that the game reused certain puzzles and that some puzzles require players to restart a level if failed, which Yahtzee describes as a "dick move." Another complaint is leveled at the story, which the review cites as pretentious and unnecessarily confusing. Overall though, the gameplay seems to triumph over any flaws. Check out the video after the break (NSFW due to language).

  • Zero Punctuation reviews Age of Conan

    Matt Warner
    Matt Warner

    Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw is the naughty charismatic pontificating stallion behind Zero Punctuation, the hilarious weekly videogame review web program. It's not often Croshaw will review an MMORPG, so it is apropos to share the latest Zero Punctuation with the new roast target being Age of Conan. The review itself contains naughty words making it: NSFW. Reviewing MMORPGs isn't an easy endeavor. The MMORPG is a beast, various systems, game mechanics, and time sinks to wade through to get from beginning to the end. To give an honest and fair shake it takes hundreds hours of investment for the reviewer to familiarize and formulate a real knowledgeable opinion. MMORPGs aren't fair in that regard, and reviews aren't very sticky since most MMOs are undergoing constant development. But come on, it's Zero Punctuation!

  • Zero Punctuation sets its sights on Mass Effect

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's frequently fitting that we begin Zero Punctuation related stories with a disclaimer, so here we go. If you a) love Mass Effect or b) have no sense of humor, you'd best turn around right now. This week, as you may have guessed, Yahtzee takes on BioWare's latest opus, Mass Effect. To put it succinctly, Mass Effect joins the likes of Guitar Hero III and Jericho. In other words, he's not a fan. His major beefs are the game's heavy amount of text and some less than great combat. You can find the video embedded after the break. It is, as usual, not safe for work.