Valve's new guidelines will allow for more AI content in games
Developers have to disclose how they use AI in their games.
Valve has introduced new rules to abide by that will allow the company to add more games with AI content to its Steam gaming platform. To start with, it's updating its content survey form for developers so that they can give the company a description of how they use artificial intelligence in their games. If they used AI tools to generate art, code, sound or any other kind of content for their title, developers must ensure that they do not include anything illegal or anything that infringes on someone else's copyright. Valve says it will evaluate each game and check if the developer has submitted truthful information.
For live-generated AI content, developers have to tell the company what kind of guardrails they've put up to prevent their games from creating anything considered illegal. And since Valve will not be able to review all content games create in real time, it's launching a new system on Steam that will allow players to easily send in a report. If a player sees anything they believe should've been caught by appropriate guardrails, they can use Steam's new in-game overlay to notify the company.
Valve said it will also be transparent with gamers when it comes with what kind of AI content a developer's title has by including their disclosure on their Steam store page. The company explained that the new rules are a result of it improving its "understanding of the landscape and risks" in the AI space. Last year, Valve admitted that it was still "working through" how to account for AI content in its review process after developers complained that the company was rejecting their submissions. It needed "some time to learn about the fast-moving and legally murky space of AI technology," Valve clarified in its new post. The company said it still can't release games with live-generated adult sexual content right now, but that it will revisit its rules as it learns more about the technology and as the legal issues surrounding it evolves.