
Motorola's CN620 WiFi phone most people can't use

Motorola CN620

We reported not too long ago about Motorola's WiFi cellphone, the CN620, which according to their FCC documents was supposed to support 802.11 a/b/g. To everyone's chagrin (especially the suits this phone was aimed at, no doubt), not only will it not support b and g (for all practical purposes just about the only WiFi networks out there anymore), but to set up a Voice over WiFi network in your office that'll work with these phones will essentially require additional proprietary hardware—which you pretty much have to buy from Motorola and their partners. Which means these phones will not work on your standard WiFi hotspot (one of the main attractions of Voice over WiFi), and you can bet your biscuits hotspots around the world aren't going to go out of their way to support this phone. Way to go, Motorola—sounds like you're borrowing from Sony's bag of tricks.

[Via TechDirt]